Monday 13 November 2017

Hgi Forex

Guggenheim Índice Internacional de Ingresos Multi-Activos


El ETF Guggenheim International Multi-Asset Income busca resultados de inversión que corresponden generalmente al desempeño, antes de las comisiones y gastos de los Fondos, de un índice denominado Índice Zacks International Multi-Asset Income. El Índice está compuesto por 150 acciones seleccionadas, basadas en criterios de inversión y otros criterios, de un universo de compañías internacionales, REITs globales, sociedades en comandita maestras, fideicomisos de regalías canadienses, certificados de depósito estadounidenses de compañías de mercados emergentes y fondos cerrados de Estados Unidos que invierten En empresas internacionales. Las compañías en el universo son seleccionadas usando una estrategia propietaria desarrollada por Zacks Investment Research, Inc. el proveedor de índice de fondos. El índice está diseñado para identificar un grupo diversificado de compañías con perfiles potencialmente altos de rentabilidad y alto riesgo, según lo determinado por el proveedor del índice, en un esfuerzo por superar al Índice MSCI EAFE y otros índices de referencia sobre una base ajustada al riesgo. La metodología de selección de los componentes del Índice utiliza reglas de selección propietarias multifactoriales para identificar aquellas poblaciones que ofrecen el mayor potencial desde una perspectiva de rendimiento y riesgo / retorno. El enfoque está diseñado específicamente para mejorar las aplicaciones de inversión y la investabilidad. El Fondo generalmente invertirá en todas las acciones que componen el Índice en proporción a sus ponderaciones en el Índice.

Zacks Índice Internacional de Activos Multi-Activos

Babson Capital Global High Duration Yield Fund

Primer fondo fiduciario de renta fija

CLP Holdings Ltd

BlackRock Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund Inc

Aberdeen Asia-Pacific Income Fund Inc

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Investigación de corredores antes de comercio

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& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

En SteveHopwood es un sistema increíble llamado HGI. Deberías comprobarlo si tienes tiempo.

& # 8230; Básicamente hay dos hilos principales: HGI que habla de la lógica de los indicadores subyacentes y el sistema, y ​​Holy Graily Bob, que es el desarrollo de EA y la discusión. Un tercer hilo puede ser de interés que es HGI para los principiantes, que es probablemente donde debe comenzar si usted no sabe lo que esto significa.

Hola a todos. En SteveHopwood es un sistema increíble llamado HGI. Tal vez podamos discutir algunas cosas aquí si Savor0 no tiene nada en contra.

Si al principio la idea no es absurda, entonces no hay esperanza para ella. (Albert Einstein)

Si u leer el pdf sobre HGI, Nanningbob realmente afirma muy claramente por qué utiliza H4 porque la tendencia es de 2 meses LWMA Open de acuerdo a su teoría. Es por eso que usa 60 LWMA & amp; 240 LWMA en el gráfico H4. U puede calcular 60 x H4 = (10 días o 2 semanas) & amp; 240 x H _ {4} = 40 días (2 meses). Creo que es por lejos el único que conocí que explica claramente lo que es una tendencia que realmente no puedo encontrar en FF. Sólo lamento no haberlo leído antes y haber desperdiciado tanto tiempo, $ & amp; Intentando descifrar lo que es una tendencia. Tengo que darle crédito por eso. Realmente respeto a este tipo y stevehopwood por devolver a la comunidad. No pienso que sea incorrecto discutir sobre HGI en absoluto, siempre que no descompile su código (contra la ética). Porque como comerciante. Nuestra regla más fundamental es hacer $, por lo que si HGI puede hacer $, también puede ser una parte de su arsenal comercial. No creo que sea prudente restringirnos, quién sabe en el futuro cuando el Comercio de Alta Frecuencia tiene lugar, correcto. Sólo mis 2 pips.

Sólo sé que no sé nada Skype: learnalways@outlook. com

& # 8230; Con enlaces a su origen en SHF siempre & # 8230;

Allright: He tenido la idea de publicar un enlace de regreso al origen. Así que aquí tienes:

@muuh: tal vez usted podría editar su primer mensaje de este hilo y proporcionar este enlace también?

Si al principio la idea no es absurda, entonces no hay esperanza para ella. (Albert Einstein)

Creo que es por lejos el único que conocí que explica claramente lo que es una tendencia que no puedo encontrar en FF

Este indicador que he hecho puede mostrar claramente cuáles son las tendencias a largo plazo, a medio plazo ya corto plazo si configura la configuración correctamente http://penguintraders. com/forums/topic/currency-strengthpowervalue-indicator/ Si alguien necesita una explicación , Por favor hágamelo saber allí.

He echado un vistazo a HGI hace un tiempo y yo personalmente no me gusta tanto. Simplemente no se ajustaba a mi estilo / personalidad.

Savor0, puedes cerrar este hilo o eliminarlo?

Si realmente quieres que elimine este hilo. Puedo (apenas envíeme un mensaje privado con su petición). Puesto que usted es el arrancador de hilo, es su derecho a hacerlo

Tampoco veo un problema con nosotros discutiéndolo aquí. Hay algunos usuarios que llaman a este su nuevo hogar y yo para uno don ¡¯ t tienen el tiempo para pasar por todos los foros que están allí. Y quiero ver lo que el grupo de personas que están aquí, que sé que son muy talentosos y tienen grandes personalidades, honestamente pensar en esto y lo que aprenden de ella. Simplemente no conecte el indicador aquí y siempre trate de vincular a los temas allí si desea resaltar algo. Sé con seguridad que esto sólo aumentará el tráfico al gran sitio de stevehopewood y aumentará su clasificación

Enfoque, Paciencia, Determinación & # 038; Orden en el caos

Creo que es por lejos el único que conocí que explica claramente lo que es una tendencia que no puedo encontrar en FF

Este indicador que he hecho puede mostrar claramente cuáles son las tendencias a largo plazo, a medio plazo ya corto plazo si configura la configuración correctamente http://penguintraders. com/forums/topic/currency-strengthpowervalue-indicator/ Si alguien necesita una explicación , Por favor hágamelo saber allí. He echado un vistazo a HGI hace un tiempo y yo personalmente no me gusta tanto. Simplemente no encajaba mi estilo / personalidad.

Savor0, puedes cerrar este hilo o eliminarlo?

Si realmente quieres que elimine este hilo. Puedo (apenas envíeme un mensaje privado con su petición). Puesto que usted es el arrancador del hilo, es su derecho de hacerlo así también no veo un problema con nosotros discutiéndolo aquí. Hay algunos usuarios llaman a este su nuevo hogar y yo por uno no tienen el tiempo para pasar por todos los foros que están allí. Y quiero ver lo que el grupo de personas que están aquí, que sé que son muy talentosos y tienen grandes personalidades, honestamente pensar en esto y lo que aprenden de ella. Sólo no adjuntar el indicador aquí y siempre tratar de vincular a los temas allí si desea resaltar algo. Sé con seguridad que esto sólo aumentará el tráfico al gran sitio de stevehopewood y aumentará su clasificación

Un link-back y no compartir aquí el código original de SteveHopwood es una idea buena y aceptable.

Las referencias al código original deben estar en una forma de enlaces al origen.

FX al por menor

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© Finanzas Magnates 2015 Todos los Derechos Reservados

El banco estatal de Vietnam aprieta la supervisión del comercio de divisas

Guggenheim Índice Internacional de Activos Multi-Activos ETF Cotizaciones de acciones en tiempo real

Noticias en tiempo real después de las horas previas al mercado

Resumen de cotizaciones de Flash Cotizaciones interactivas Configuración predeterminada

Tenga en cuenta que una vez que haga su selección, se aplicará a todas las futuras visitas a NASDAQ. com. Si, en cualquier momento, está interesado en volver a nuestra configuración predeterminada, seleccione Ajuste predeterminado anterior.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o tiene problemas para cambiar la configuración predeterminada, envíe un correo electrónico a isfeedback@nasdaq. com.

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Ha seleccionado cambiar la configuración predeterminada para la Búsqueda de cotizaciones. Ahora será su página de destino predeterminada; A menos que vuelva a cambiar la configuración o que elimine las cookies. Seguro que desea cambiar la configuración?

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Deshabilite su bloqueador de anuncios (o actualice sus configuraciones para asegurarse de que se habilitan javascript y cookies), de manera que podamos seguir proporcionándole las noticias y los datos de primera clase del mercado que espera de nosotros.

Precaución. Este indicador requiere que otros 16 indicadores personalizados de tipo medio móvil estén en la carpeta de indicadores para que se pueda utilizar (además de varios nativos a MT4 otros promedios).

& Quot; WMA = iCustom (NULL, 0, & quot; WMA & quot ;, longitud, precio, 0, pos); SineWMA = iCustom (NULL, 0, & quot; SineWMA & quot ;, longitud, precio, 0, pos); TriMA = iCustom (NULL, 0, & gt; TriMA & lt ;, Longitud, Precio, 0, pos); LSMA = iCustom (NULL, 0, & lt; LSMA & quot ;, Longitud, Precio, 0, pos); HMA = iCustom (NULL, 0, "HMA", Longitud, Precio, 0, pos); ZeroLagEMA = iCustom (NULL, 0, & quot; ZeroLagEMA & quot ;, Longitud, Precio, 0, pos); DEMA = iCustom (NULL, 0, & quot; DEMA & quot ;, longitud, precio, 0, pos); T3MA = iCustom (NULL, 0, "T3MA", Longitud, Precio, 0, pos); ITrend = iCustom (NULL, 0, & quot; ITrendMA & quot ;, Longitud, Precio, 0, pos); Mediana = iCustom (NULL, 0, & quot; MedianMA & quot ;, longitud, precio, 0, pos); GeoMean = iCustom (NULL, 0, & quot; GeoMin_MA & quot ;, Longitud, Precio, 0, pos); REMA = iCustom (NULL, 0, & quot; REMA & quot ;, longitud, precio, 0, pos); ILRS = iCustom (NULL, 0, & lt; ILRS_MA & quot ;, Longitud, Precio, 0, pos); IE2 = iCustom (NULL, 0, & quot; IE2_MA & quot ;, Longitud, Precio, 0, pos); TriMAgen = iCustom (NULL, 0, & gt; TriMAgen & quot ;, Longitud, Precio, 0, pos); JSmooth = iCustom (NULL, 0, & lt; JSmooth_MA & quot ;, Longitud, Precio, 0, pos); & Quot;

Así que si usted no tiene todos estos indicadores (como yo no) no funcionará.


En QuantumFractals las flechas indicadoras desaparecen cuando el precio va en contra de la señal, por lo que no puede confiar en este indicador.

Sí, yo también lo vi. Gracias por la limpieza :-). Inútil


Estrategia CCI cruzada cero


Copyright 2005-2015, MQL5 Ltd.

HGI Industries Ltd.

HGI Industries Ltd.

HGI Industries Ltd. incorporó en el año 1944, operando en el sector de Ingeniería.

HGI Industries Ltd. Productos clave / Segmentos de Ingresos incluyen Alquileres que contribuyeron Rs 0.13 Cr al Valor de Ventas (67.42% de las Ventas Totales), Intereses que contribuyeron Rs 0.06 Cr al Valor de Ventas (32.57% de Ventas Totales) - Mar-2008.

Para el trimestre terminado.

La dirección de la compañía incluye a Sr. KK NewarMr. H C Daga, Sr. Jyoti Prakash Kanoria, Sr. Ramesh Aggarwal, Sr. Ravi Kastia, Sr. Yashwant Daga, Sr. Ramesh Aggarwal.

La empresa tiene como sus auditores ..

enlaces rápidos

Noticias del mercado

Las etiquetas oficiales vietnamitas Forex Floor Trading Illegal

Vietnam ha adoptado una postura aproximada en materia de comercio de divisas, que se negocia en pisos de cambio, etiquetando este tipo de comercio como ilegal y amenazando con fuertes multas a aquellos que no cumplen con las nuevas reglas. La dura posición fue expresada por Nguyen Quang Huy, Director General del Departamento de Cambios del Banco Estatal de Vietnam (SBV), en una entrevista publicada en la página web del banco central.

Huy explica que tal tipo de actividad se realiza por mera especulación y que no tiene nada que ver con la utilización normal de divisas. Además, añade, el comercio se realiza en cuentas con margen, lo que hace que el comercio sea muy arriesgado. Lo que es más interesante es el hecho de que el Primer Ministro no ha emitido (todavía) ninguna guía específica sobre la regulación de la negociación de divisas, lo que, según Huy, hace ilegal esta actividad comercial. Como resultado, todos los involucrados en ella se enfrentan a multas que van desde VND 50 millones a VND 100 millones ($ 2,372 a $ 4,744).

La postura es muy interesante, ya que se trata de un enfoque regulatorio peculiar & ndash; Algo no regulado es ilegal y por lo tanto sujeto a sanciones. En muchas otras jurisdicciones de todo el mundo, la lógica es bastante diferente: cuando algo no está regulado no está sujeto a ninguna sanción; Sólo espera regulaciones. Si el enfoque vietnamita había funcionado en Rusia, por ejemplo, todos los corredores de Forex que operan en este país se enfrentarían a sanciones severas en este momento.

Pero las economías como las vietnamitas, como la indonesia, son mucho más similares en las posturas lógicas y regulatorias. Para el caso, puede recordar que en noviembre de 2013, el gobierno de Indonesia bloqueó el acceso a más de 100 sitios web de Forex, mientras que no tienen un marco legal especial para el mercado de divisas de OTC en su lugar.

Y mientras estamos en Asia, recordemos que el Banco de la Reserva de la India no está dando la bienvenida a OTC Forex tampoco. En septiembre del año pasado, el RBI advirtió que bloqueará las cuentas bancarias de las personas que las utilizan para financiar operaciones de operaciones de divisas en línea.

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La AMF de Francia advierte contra 11 corredores de opciones binarias no autorizadas

ASIC dice que BocaFX no es corredor de forex autorizado en Australia

La FMA de Nueva Zelanda advierte contra el corredor de divisas no regulado FXUM

FSA de Japón advierte contra siete divisas no reguladas, corredores de opciones binarias

CFTC cobra a NZ corredor de divisas IB Capital por aceptar clientes de Estados Unidos

Forex de Japón, los volúmenes de negociación de opciones binarias se desploman en octubre

El regulador financiero chipriota CySEC advierte contra Noeruscapital. com

Los últimos corredores de Forex

El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. Toda la información sobre ForexBrokerz. com sólo se publica con fines de información general. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente a su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.

Todo el contenido textual en ForexBrokerz. com está protegido por derechos de autor y protegido por la ley de propiedad intelectual. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com no reclama derechos de autor sobre las imágenes utilizadas en el sitio web, incluidos los logotipos, imágenes e ilustraciones de los corredores.

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Futuros y Mercados de Mercados

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Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

Si usted sigue los índices de equidad de cerca, a veces puede detectar patrones que se repiten con un alto grado de coherencia. Continúe leyendo aquí.

24 de agosto de 2015, fue un día importante en los mercados de divisas mundiales. Los chinos conmocionaron al mundo con una devaluación del yuan. Continúe leyendo aquí.

Industrias HGI. Anuncia la aprobación de la FDA del dispositivo Odorox MDU / Rx para su uso en instalaciones médicas

Mover Marcas Hito en el Crecimiento y Expansión Continua de la Compañía

HGI Industries, Inc. ha anunciado hoy la aprobación de la FDA de la Odorox & reg; MDU / Rx & comercio; Purificador de aire para uso en instalaciones médicas.

El Odorox & reg; MDU / Rx & comercio; Modelo médico es un dispositivo de purificación de aire ultravioleta (UV) destinado a la reducción de bacterias y virus seleccionados en el aire en instalaciones médicas. Los datos de rendimiento publicados en el resumen de la FDA 510 (k) mostraron reducciones de 4 a 5 log en bacterias aerotransportadas y virus seleccionados dentro de 1 a 2 horas; Una reducción que equivale a matar el 99,999% de los microorganismos. El Odorox & reg; MDU / Rx & comercio; Está diseñado para tratar áreas de aproximadamente 130 a 500 pies cuadrados con techos de 8 a 10 pies (

1200 a 5.000 pies cúbicos) y ha sido aprobado por la FDA para su uso en espacios ocupados. El dispositivo fue probado en espacios ventilados y sin ventilación que cubrieron ese rango y los datos de prueba proporcionados a la FDA indicaron que:

No se detectó monóxido de carbono por encima de los niveles basales

No se formaron concentraciones significativas de oxidantes orgánicos o inorgánicos volátiles

Los modelos se pueden integrar con sistemas de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado para tratar más de un millón de pies cúbicos y disponer de controles de proceso interactivos en tiempo real que permiten el monitoreo y control remoto. Los modelos cumplen con los estándares UL 507 y CSA C22.2.

Acerca de HGI Industries, Inc.

HGI Industries es una empresa de tecnología privada especializada en el diseño, desarrollo y producción de sistemas de limpieza, desodorización y desinfección de aire y superficies mediante irradiación UV. La energía UV desinfecta el aire a medida que pasa a través del dispositivo y reacciona con el oxígeno y el agua para generar una poderosa mezcla desinfectante de radicales hidroxilo y oxidantes que circulan por todo el área tratada. El proceso es el último en & ldquo; verde & rdquo; , Ya que imita la forma en que el Sol sanitizes nuestro medio ambiente con seguridad mediante la generación constante atmosférica hidroxilos y oxidantes en la naturaleza. La empresa ofrece modelos para el uso del consumidor en hogares y negocios y soluciones integrales e integrales para clientes corporativos. HGI comercializa sus sistemas en colaboración con distribuidores en los Estados Unidos, Canadá, América Latina, Australia, Europa y Asia.

HGI Logo, MDU / Rx y Odorox son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de HGI Industries Inc. Boynton Beach, Florida, EE. UU.

Vång gần như sideway trong phięn giao dịch ngày hôm qua. Áp lực giảm giá sau khi có những tín hiệu cho thyy nhu cầu tiêu thụ vāng tại Trung Quốc giảm. Trong khi đó, lực mua kỹ thuật khi vāng gần tiệm cận hỗ trợ tâm lý 1300 đã giúp cho kim loại phục hồi tốt ở phiên Mỹ. Kitco & # 8211; Chiến lược giao dịch vång ngày 04/10

Sinónimos de "phiên": Xu hướng chính trong ngày hmn qua là đi ngang.

Nhận định xu hướng 24h tới:

Đi ngang phiên Á

Bihen độ dao động phiên Á, Âu: 1320-1307

Phiên Mỹ vång dao động khó lường.

Chiến lược giao dịch:

Bán dưới 1320, dừng lỗ 1324, mục tiêu kỳ vọng 1307. Áp dụng phiên Á, Âu.

Forex Yard & # 8211; Chiến lược giao dịch vång ngày 4/10

Chiến lược chính: Mua trên mức 1301, mục tiêu 1323 & # 8211; 1337

Chiến lược phụ: Phā dưới mức 1301, mục tiêu 1293 & # 8211; 1277

Nhận định: Chỉ báo RSI nằm trên đường trung tính 50

Các mức cản kỹ thuật:

Mức kháng cự: 1343 & # 8211; 1337 & # 8211; 1323

Giá hiện tại: 1315.49

Mức hỗ trợ: 1296 -1283 & # 8211; 1277

EURUSD Comprar tại. 1.3540 GBPUSD Comprar tại 1.6205 AUDUSD Vender tại 0.9305 USDCHF Vender tại 0.9025

Tome Profit cho tất cả các lệnh. 20 pips. Detener la pérdida de. 25 pips Nguồn: maxi-forex. com

Scotiamocatta & # 8211; Nhận định xu hướng giá vàng ngày 1/10

Vāng giảm trong ngāy hmm qua khi giới đầu tư chuẩn bị tinh en el cho khả năng đóng cửa chính phủ Mỹ. Vång mở phiên Mỹ tại 1332 vā giảm xuống mức thấp 1322 vāo giữa phiên sáng, đ đ đ đ...........

Giá vàng đông Cửa tháng Giam Tai MOC 1327, Thập Hon por lo với MUC đông Cửa Cua Ngày 30/8 Tai 1381. Biên độ Cua tháng Nay Nam trong Khoang 1292 & # 8211; 1416 trong khi tháng 8 là 1273 & # 8211; 1433. Chúng tôi vẫn giữ quan điểm đi ngang ở các mức này do diễn biến giá sideway. Chi khi đông Cửa vượt ra KHOI các biên độ Gan DjAy mới CO Khien thị Trường hướng đen giai Đoàn Trung de han Xương 1182 HOAC lên 1523.

Forex Yard & # 8211; Chiến lược vàng ngày 1/10

Chiến lược chính: Mua trên mức 1320, mục tiêu 1352 & # 8211; 1359 Pivote: 1320 Chiến lược chính: Mua trên mức 1320, mục tiêu 1352 & # 8211; 1359 Chiến Luoc Phu: PHA dưới MUC 1320, Tiêu MUC 1306-1291 Nhân định: Co So Ho Tai tro Giá 1320 đã được Hình Thành và cho pHep Dom bajo định Giá Tam thời Các MUC puedo KY thuật: MUC KHANG Cu: 1375 y # 8211; 1359 & # 8211; 1352 Lugar de residencia: 1329.7 Mức hỗ trợ: 1320 -1306 & # 8211; 1291 Giavang. net tổng hợp

TUYỂN DỤNG. Chuyên Vien Tự văn đầu Tự Tai Chinh Chu Y: tanga TIN Nay Chi danh CHO NHUNG Người que Su muón Phat triển sự Nghiep RIENG Làm la NAO Djé tìm Kiem công việc trong thời BUOI Kho Khan như hiện Nay.

Kinh tế khủng hoảng, rất nhiều công ty không thoát khỏi tình trạng sản xuất đình trệ, người lao động không có việc làm. CAT Giam nhân Su La cách duy Nhất giúp công ty đứng Vung trong Hoàn Cảnh Kho Khan No, như Microsoft - một công ty Khong Mín về công nghệ, đã sa thai 18000 người VAO tháng Volver Anterior Siguiente.

Bạn - một senh Viên mới ra Truong với bao UOC Mo, Hoài Bao, muón được làm việc trong một môi Trường Chuyên Nghiep, muón có MUC Jue nhập SOBRE định, NHUNG bạn Aún có kinh Nghiem!

Hay, pues, el camino hacia el camino que va hacia el camino hacia el cielo. Bạn vừa muốn có một công việc ổn định, vừa muốn có thời gian với gia đình, nhưng bạn không sắp xếp được thời gian.

Bạn làm việc RAT CAT lực, rata ntre muón được "sep" Gato nhạc lên Cương VI cao Hon NHUNG "sep" không ONG ngang đen prohibición.

Bạn là một người có Kha Nang Chuyên môn, VA muón có Jue nhập Tương đối SOBRE định, muón Chung Minh prohibición, los NHUNG Lại không muón quá áp lực trong công việc.

Bạn có khả năng hoạt động độc lập vā muốn phát triển nguồn khách hàng của riêng mình.

Chac Chan các bạn sE Đạt ra RAT Nhieu Câu hỏi trong đầu và Nghi rằng Tai Sao Lại có một môi Trường và MUC thu nhập Hap dẫn như Tai Vietnam?

Vâng, chính xác là như vậy. Không gì là quá hoàn hảo. Như tôi đã Neu Ø trên, NEU bạn là một trong NHUNG Tuyp người như tôi đã Neu trên Thi bạn hãy liên lạc với Chung tôi Ngày LAP TUC

TẠI HGI, BẠN SẼ: Được đào tạo chuyên môn để trở thành CHUYÊN NGHIỆP. Được làm việc trong môi trường năng ðng - chuyên nghiệp - sáng tạo - đặc sắc. Được đánh giá đúng năng lực vốn có, ghi nhận đúng công sức. Aún no hemos recibido comentarios de huéspedes. Thông tin chi tiết vui lòng liên hệ: Sra. Sang - 0986.471.077 Correo electrónico: nguyenhathanhsang@gmail. com Skype: sangluci Yahoo: sang. luci

Công ty Cổ phần Đầu tư Hà Nội Vāng Chi nhánh Miền Nam - 444-446, Cách Mạng Tháng 8, P.11, Q.3, HCM

Читать дальше Свернуть & # 183; Перевести

Chương trình khuyến mại mừng Cách mạng tháng 8 vā quốc khánh 2/9/2014 11/08/2014 10:00:20

THÔNG BÁO. Khuyến mại mừng cách mạng tháng 8 vā Quốc Khánh 2/9

Nhân DIP KY niem Cach Mang Thang 8 VA Quốc Khánh 2/9, Công ty CO phần đầu Tư Tài chính Ha Noi Vang GUI lời tri Ân Toi Khach hàng bằng Chương trình Khuyen Mai, CU, el như sau:

I. TH ỜI GIAN ÁP DỤNG: - Từ 8h ngày 11/08/2014 đến hết ngày 7/09/2014. II. Đôi tượng: - AP dụng trên Toàn Él Thống HGI đối với các Khach hàng đồng ý tham gia Chương trình bằng cách MO mới HOAC topup Thêm VAO tài khoan trên TAT ça các San Pham có giao dich Cua HGI (truyền Thống và en línea). III. NOI estiércol - Khach hàng MO tài khoan mới HOAC topup Thêm VAO tài khoan đã có trong thời Gian Khuyen Mai được Tang ngay 10% trị Gia (Chương trình tính teo tên Khach hàng và moi Khach hàng được tham gia 01 tài khoan / Toàn Hệ thống HGI). IV. Điều Kien (leva kết bằng văn BAN): - Khach hàng leva kết (Bang văn BAN) chỉ Rút tiền (GOM ça gốc, Lai và phần Khuyen Mai Tang ellos) sau khi giao dich dju Entonces Lot Tương Ung như sau: + para Tiền khuyến mại / 210.000 VNĐ (tương đương 10USD) đối với sản phẩm HGI truyền thống. + Số tiền khuyến mại / 105.000 VN ố (ươươ ươ ươ ươ ươ ươ ươ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ ẩ

Ví dụ: Khách hàng mở mới tài khoản HGI truyền thống giá trị 105 ồệ ồ ượ ượ ượ ượ ượ ượ ặ ặ ặ ặ ặ ặ ặ ặ ặ ặ ặ ặ............ - Trường Hợp Khach hàng có nhu cầu Rút tiền khi Aún Đạt điều Kien trên, Công ty CO HO tro Khach hàng Rút tiền 01 lần (SO tiền Rút Toi Đa bằng 50% en lo que tiền NOP VAO prohibición đầu). Khi Rút tiền trong Trường Hợp Nay, Khach hàng đồng ý Djé công ty Khau Tru số tiền Khuyen Mai trong tài khoan teo Ti lệ Giuà số tiền Rút ra Va entonces tiền NOP VAO prohibir đầu và Giu nguyên Entonces Lot leva kết giao dich.

VD: Khách hàng mở tài khoản giada trị 210 triệu đồng được khuyến mại 21 triệu đồng. Sau DJO Khach hàng Rút 20% en lo que tiền MO tài khoan prohibición đầu, tượng đường đồng 42 Triệu, Công ty sE Khau Tru Tương Ung 20% ​​en lo que tiền Khuyen Mai Tương đường 4,2 Triệu đồng KHOI tài khoan Cua Khach Hang. - Công ty có Quyền Khau Tru tiền Khuyen Mai BAT Cu Luc NAO trong Trường de saltos: + Khach hàng Rút tiền mà Aún đáp Ung dju các điều Kien trên. + Công ty phát hiện khách hàng vi phạm các điều khoản của chương trình khuyến mại cũng như các quy định khác của Công ty. - Khi tham gia Chương trình Nay, Khach hàng sE không được Huong các Chương trình Khuyen Mai Khắc Dien ra Cung thời Gian Cua Công ty (NEU CO).

chú ghi: - Tang ngay 0,3% / balance (đối với TAT ça các tài khoan OC hasta el Equilibrio ≥ 5.000.000 VNĐ và CHOT số Tai thời điểm đầu Ngày BAT đầu Khuyen MAI), công ty sE Hủy bỏ phần quà Tang trên neu Khách hàng có phát sinh giao dịch rút tiền trong thời gian khuyến mại.

Читать дальше Свернуть & # 183; Перевести

Guía para el Forex

Elie Canetti es asesor del FMI para el Departamento del Hemisferio Occidental

El Fondo Monetario Internacional es un sector importante que ha tenido algunas ideas y puntos de vista importantes sobre el problema reciente que ha ocurrido con el mercado de divisas. El FMI ha dicho en el pasado que es necesario que haya más flexibilidad dentro de la divisa, afirmando que incluso si había suficientes reservas, todavía había escasez de divisas. La intervención del Banco Central no ha pasado inadvertida porque tenían que vender divisas sólo para poder liquidar el mercado. No hay nadie que supervisa el mercado de divisas y aunque la ayuda se les ha dado, todavía de alguna manera terminan en la misma situación por lo tanto la flexibilidad es muy necesaria para este mercado.

Ha habido una escasez constante en el forex desde 2013, lo que significa que hay algo que sucede dentro del mercado en el que dificulta la divisa para crecer sus saldos. La asignación de divisas desempeña un papel enorme en la disponibilidad de divisas. Se deben realizar estudios e informes adicionales para poder examinar detenidamente este problema. Las asignaciones de divisas han sido capaces de esquivar muchas tarifas y debido a esto algunas empresas pueden no ser capaces de pagar a sus proveedores extranjeros.

Disponibilidad y la falta de que sólo lleva a acaparamiento que plantea un problema de donde el equilibrio debe ser cuando se trata de divisas y si debe haber sanciones sobre la forma en que la divisa se ejecuta el intercambio. El forex debe ser dedicado a ser capaz de satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad internacional cuando se trata de divisas y ampliar el alcance del tipo de cambio. Debido a la reciente humillación que la divisa ha sufrido, el FMI sólo quiere ayudar al mercado a obtener la confianza del público y ser capaz de erradicar cualquier escasez y acaparamiento dentro del mercado. Si no lo hiciera, podría ocurrir más escasez y podrían tener lugar restricciones en el intercambio. Sin embargo, el FMI se limita a hacer su trabajo y asegurarse de que los actores más pequeños no son pisados ​​por los gigantes financieros.

Imagen de The Guardian

Los intercambios de monedas extranjeras son muy necesarios por diferentes razones, tales como negocios, turismo y comercio que son por qué el mercado de divisas o Forex es una industria necesaria que hace alrededor de cinco billones de dólares todos los días. Las empresas y las transacciones no sólo se limitan a un país más, pero diferentes países pueden participar en una transacción en cualquier lugar del mundo en un momento dado. Los negocios realizados con otros países están en gran riesgo aunque debido a las tasas de inflación. Por lo tanto, el Forex crea una forma en la que se cubre el riesgo a través de tener una tasa fija para ambas partes para hacer un trato justo. Hay un tiempo establecido para los compradores y vendedores de monedas en las que las tasas son fijas y no hay temor de cualquier cambio repentino en el valor de una moneda. Las empresas y las empresas pueden ser protegidos especialmente cuando se trata de enormes cantidades de dinero.

El Forex también se puede especular a distancia. Debido a diferentes factores como la política, la economía y el turismo, la moneda de un país puede cambiar el valor en cualquier momento y los espectadores estudian los factores mencionados para poder predecir cuál es el valor del país que se puede fortalecer o debilitar. Las apuestas se hacen en contra de las formas cambiantes de Forex. Sin Internet era difícil hacer negocios en monedas y éstas tenían que ser realizadas en los bancos para los clientes. Fue debido a los comerciantes individuales que el acceso fácil a la divisa fue creado y debido a esto, ahora podemos intercambiar monedas. Como cualquier inversión suponen un riesgo, Forex no se excusa de eso. Los mercados interbancarios no siempre son regulados y pueden llegar a ser riesgosos debido a la supervisión. Aunque esto es posible, no tiene por qué ser cien por ciento cierto. Hay mercados centralizados y descentralizados, pero se establecen regulaciones para proteger mejor a los bancos tanto como puedan.

Imagen de Google Image

JPMorgan ha acordado liquidar una demanda de 100 millones de dólares

El reciente escándalo de manipulaciones en el mercado de divisas ha provocado investigaciones y diferentes controversias no sólo entre las empresas, sino también en otros sectores afectados. A los bancos se les exigió pagar una multa de miles de millones de dólares debido a su participación en dicho escándalo. JPMorgan Chase & amp; Co. has agreed to settle a lawsuit after accusations of the company’s direct participation of rigging the market. It is the first financial firm that was able to reach out to investors and to start putting the issue behind. JPM has agreed to pay the amount of $100 Million from an inside source whom are not yet allowed to be named due to the sensitivity of this issue. Everything that happens now that has relation to the case are mostly private matters and either people are not revealed to the media or certain parts of the story may not be shared. It is a good step that the business is undertaking and it is obvious that they are serious about damage-control.

A letter has been sent to the U. S. District Judge detailing the settlement that JPM and its investors has arrived to. Details of the letter will not be available to the public until later on the month when it has been filed. There is a great deal of carefulness that goes on with the dealings regarding this issue and shows just how sincere JPM has been about fixing the problem. Though JPM has agreed to paying $1 Billion to resolve investigations by regulators from three countries namely U. S. U. K. and Switzerland, they have been pretty quiet on their camp regarding the allegations.

Chat rooms where the main platform used when traders communicated regarding rigging of exchange rates and they were able to openly talk about the next moves they were going to take to make the rig successful. It was a closed-network chat room wherein members could share top secret information about their clients and be able to manipulate rates and payments.

Image from JP Morgan News

The Foreign Exchange Market is a global market for trading currencies

The Foreign Exchange Market is referred to in different names such as Forex, FX or currency market and what Foreign Exchange Market is a globalized and decentralized market for trading different currencies. It is the largest trading market in the world and main participants are the big international banks. The daily turnover for the Foreign Exchange Market is 50 US Billion Dollars and that is why it is named as the largest trading market. The Foreign Exchange Market determines the comparative values of all the currencies in the world. Financial institutions greatly aid the Foreign Exchange Market and in turn rely on dealers to provide them with accurate information. Forex does not have a control over the exchange of currencies because of sovereignty issues that are related to this industry. What forex does is assist different entities in being able to partake in trades and investments on an international level because they provide the needed conversions for huge sums of money. Forex traders observe the trend when it comes to fluctuation of value of currencies and forex is mainly selling and buying of currencies simultaneously. The values of currencies appreciate and depreciate for different reasons such as geopolitics, economics, political stability, policy making, and trade to which forex traders earn profit through constantly observing the trends and making speculations. They can predict the way in which the currencies will differ in the future. The Foreign Exchange Market is open 24 hours a day all around the world which means that anyone can trade at anytime of the day. The market is open to ensure that changes in the currencies and prices can be monitored instantly and can lessen the amount lost during a trading day. A small percentage of deposit is needed to be able to take part in this market which means that loss and profit is significantly better than other trading stocks.

Now that the Won is overtaking the Yen worldwide, the Korean Comfort Women are seeking justice for the abuse that they receive during the World War II era. Hoping that the Japanese government will do something about it.

Image from Learn To Trade The Market and Amazon Naws

An example of profit and loss when trading in the forex market

Being interested in trading in the Forex is very exciting but not knowing where to start can be very confusing and may lead to just forgetting about the idea. It is not easy to start trading in this industry when you feel you do not have adequate knowledge of the market and can become intimidating with all the figures and terms that you need to learn. Though it may feel like a huge task and dedication to finally get what the Forex market is all about, there are many companies who are willing to educate you on the basics of trading and some even provide advanced lessons for those who are looking to expanding their knowledge on the market. It all depends on the available time and personal learning style which company suits you better in teaching you about forex trading.

First step to trading is to buy a currency pair and take part in the experience of the forex trading. Investors are in the position to decide where they will take their investments and the currencies that they have purchased. It is an exhilarating experience to study and to predict the way that currencies would match up against each other and determining whether it is the right time to sell/buy or not. There is a need to start up an account to start trading in all platforms including mobile. Before signing your name on anything though, be sure that you are ready to take on the challenge of learning about this market and be dedicated to whatever it has to offer. Speculation of different currencies may not always be a cup of tea for everyone but if you are looking into gaining more interest and proving others wrong when it comes to the currencies you have purchased, and then it might just be the thing for you. Being mindful of losses and gains are important too so as not to make any rash decisions and be lead by emotions instead of logic.

Image from Wikimedia

Though full of concepts, Forex is not as complicated as it seems

The Foreign Exchange Market or Forex seems like a big financial world full of complicated concepts and terms, though it may be full of concepts and terms they are not necessarily hard to understand. There are some basics that anyone should know if interested in getting to know more about the Forex.

There are eight major economies that must be watched out for to determine any available opportunities and they are the U. S. European Union (namely Spain, Germany, France, and Italy), Japan, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada and Australia. These economies are the largest and the most sophisticated and by focusing on them, advantages in the financial markets can be taken. Anyone can follow these economies because data is realized about them every day.

Trading currencies means you are buying and selling two currencies because they always go in pairs. Currencies are valued in relation to one another so they are always traded in two. With every Forex transaction, buying and selling of currencies is always happening. That is what it means to trade in the Foreign Exchange Market. You are using one currency to buy another and the proceeds of the currency you are selling are used to buy the other. There is an interest on every currency sold so that must be paid by the trader but when you buy a currency you have the ability to take the interest.

This market offers a tremendous leverage and as much as $10,000 worth of assets can be controlled by your mere $100 but do not be fooled, everything can work against you instead of for you. Be careful when making decisions because one wrong move can cause you a great deal of losses.

Currency values never stay the same, they are always changing and that is one of the reasons why the Forex market is one of the most dynamic markets in the world. Traders can gain a huge amount of profit especially when they have studied the appreciation value of currencies. Tremendous gains are plenty in the past.

Image from Wikimedia

Manipulations within the Forex market has caused banks several billions of fines

The Foreign Exchange market or the Forex market simultaneously buys and sells currencies and measures the value of each currency against each other. Those who work in the Forex market usually negotiate for international business deals and agreements and when there is a need for exchange of currencies. Though it seems like a pretty noble job trying to find a good exchange for both parties, there have been banks that were fined due to rigging the Forex market. There is a certain time that companies change their rates and trade currencies, that is one type of manipulation already but the business is done that way thus it is not something of controversy. During these times, businesses are able to make foreign exchange orders from banks and agree to pay the price that was set in that exact moment. Business want to trade at that time because it is the moment that they feel they can earn more but the Forex market is constantly doing exchanges and trades around the world, no wonder why it rakes in more than 5 trillion dollars every day.

Banks can partner with each other and buy or sell from each other depending on their rates which mean that they do not have to be affected by the said rate given on that time. When that happens, banks have huge amounts of money that they can buy or sell to the business. Depending on what happens during an exchange rate time and the time that a bank buys or sells, it could possibly lose money. If the difference between the time of the change of rate and the time of the selling to businesses is around 30 minutes, anything could happen and a manipulation could occur. Traders could start to corroborate with each other to buy or sell at a certain price during the change. Banks and traders partnering with each other in order to be able to get higher prices from the businesses without them knowing is one way of earning and it is not small amounts that banks get but usually a huge amount with one deal. There have been investigations on how the market works inside and tries to eliminate any manipulation of the system.

Image from Google Images

Recent forex market investigations lead to more possible manipulations

The recent manipulations within the Forex market have opened up to more investigations regarding the issue and what was found was both shocking and scary. Evidence has been found that there are more possible illegal and dishonest activities that might occur within the Forex. This new finding has caused many businesses to be more wary of their employers and has caused for people to be fired from their job. Different reasons may be behind this move but one thing is for sure: businesses are trying to be more careful now when it comes to allegations of manipulations within the market thus eliminating anything or anyone that can be a source of another allegation. Some investment banks have also banned the use of chat rooms so as not to have an open communication between traders who are trying to set a trap for the clients buying currencies. The said chat rooms were the medium in which traders were able to collaborate and agree on certain rates to gain themselves higher income. Six banks had to pay a fine of $4.3 billion because of their involvement in the said manipulations.

JP Morgan and Citigroup were not shy about letting everyone else knows that employees responsible of the manipulations were already fired and investigations were done to determine any other possible input on this scandal from other people.

The rigged rates in the Forex greatly affect the hedges that companies have set up in order to create a safety net against any unforeseen changes in the rates of different currencies. The value of options and funds can be greatly affected too. All the investments within the market can be affected by the rigged rates especially those investments by ordinary shareholders and the prices that are paid by consumers. The small players obviously are not given importance in this case and it makes one wonder what traders really get up to in order to gain more money from the people around them.

Image from CNBC

The value of the Swiss franc against the euro since the ceiling was established in 2011

Switzerland has decided that it will scrap its currency ceiling against the euro and though it is a national issue, it has become an international one for those who are in the Forex market. The repercussions of this decision can be greatly felt around the globe and many traders have reported great losses from this decision. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been lost and these are not mere jokes because a number of businesses are consistent with the amount of losses that they had. The Swiss franc soared as much as 39% after the Swiss National Bank abandoned the ceiling against the euro. This is when all the losses began and many were not prepared for it. No one saw it coming and it was not predicted either. There is not one person in the industry that was not in total disbelief when this happened and pity those traders who have to buy francs in order to make up for the losses but now owe so much in US dollars.

Many retail brokers have hit hard since the decision of the Swiss National Bank and many are still wondering how they can overcome this interesting turn of events without having to incur more loss or debts. Brokers have been left with a negative balance and confusion upon what really occurred. A New Zealand based broker has decided to shut down his business due to the lack of being able to carry on because of all the debts and losses that the company has occurred after the shocking decision of the Swiss National Bank. It might not have been the best move for Switzerland right now and many international companies and traders are shaming them for their decision. Not only are businesses affected but many individual lives were affected too by this decision. More than the huge losses of the huge companies, it is the lives of the small actors that have been changed forever.

Employers of HGI and suspects of the illegal gold and foreign exchange investment

The Foreign Exchange Market houses hundreds of traders all from different parts of the world. It is not easy to take track of everyone that has some contribution to the Forex but Vietnam officials are ensuring that they take the necessary step to uncovering the big scandal of an illegal gold and foreign exchange in Hanoi. The Hanoi Golden Investment Joint Stock Company (HGI) was raided last week with arrests made and evidence acquired. The firm was somehow able to illegally collect more than $12 Million from over 3,000 investors. The director, founder and several employees of HGI were arrested due to the strong indication of their direct involvement with the company.

The company was established in the year 2009 and began to invite and attract different investors to trade currencies and gold on their online website through the use of their software. Not only was the company able to create a list of investors, it also started to gain attention because of interest rates that it has set. Though the business was a big hoax known to the owners and founders, the company was still able to function like a legitimate business, giving rewards to employees who are able to bring in new investors. The money that was coming in was used to purchase a piece of land in the Phu Quoc Island where a ceramic workshop was built. It was also used to fund an investment that the owners did with a company in the US. Now the company is unable to pay back its investors and there is so much disappointment and rage from those who have invested in this company. The government are doing all that they can to raise awareness about HGI and other similar ploys around the country. The public is asked to carefully study any companies they plan to invest in and to ensure that it is not fraud that they are getting into. The police are doing their best to retrace the steps taken by HGI in order to be able to detect anything similar to this case that might occur in the future.

Image from: Thanh Nien News

HGI has formed and maintained a strong network of subsidiaries and partners. These companies are either fully owned and operated by HGI, or are partners with a relationship based on mutual (often exclusive) representation. Below you will find an overview of our subsidiaries in each of the sectors we currently operate.

Our subsidiaries in the field of trade include:

Global Spare Parts Group –Amman - Jordan

Oriental Auto Spare Parts – Amman - Jordan

Auto Jo – Amman - Jordan

Arabian Cities Spare Parts - Jordan

Alfa - Zerka Free Zone - Jordan

Central Auto Parts Establishment – Zerka Free Zone - Jordan

Delta Auto Spare Parts - U. A.E

East Auto Spare Parts – U. A.E

Hapco Group Fzc - U. A.E – Jebel Ali Free Zone

Exedy Middle East Fzco - U. A.E

The National Spare Parts Company – Kuwait

Nickle Glass And Batteries Company – Kuwait

Hamshari Group Auto Spare Parts Co. – Irak

Gigantex Export – Import Co. – Japón

All above companies represent and sell our products on wholesale and retail bases to their local markets, while some also export the same to neighboring countries through our other companies in various free zones.

To better service our clients in the manufacturing arena, HGI has partnered with a number of premier factories around the world who manufacture a wide range of clutches, transmissions, construction products, and motorcycle products and all kinds of lubricants (substances designed to reduce friction between moving objects, used in the manufacture of motor and generator oils). HGI's other partnerships include Exedy Middle East, located at Jabal Ali Free Zone in U. A.E. and owned and operated by Exedy Corporation in Japan; Exedy Dynax Europe ltd, and the Nairobi Representative Office, the three of whom are leading manufactures of clutches, transmissions, construction products, and motorcycle products.

HGI owns and operates wide range of lands, towers and real-estate projects in Jordan, Dubai, Kuwait, Europe and the USA. The company has managed to create an extensive network of partners in these locations, with further expansion plans currently underway. Our network of partners in the field of includes:

Gulf Oasis for Investment & Property Management Co – Jordán

Residence Real Estate Development & Investment – Jordán

Focus Property Investment Inc. – Estados Unidos

The above companies represent and/or collaborate with HGI on its various real estate investments around the world, providing investment consultancy services as needed.

HGI launched its Securities Division with the purpose of expanding its portfolio and applying the entrepreneurial expertise of its team to other sectors. HGI today owns major shares in 14 real-estate, financial and investment institutions in MENA region, USA, and Asia. HGI works to acquire direct shares in various organizations operating in the markets within which we operate, regardless of their scope of work. We have thus far acquired substantial investments in the UAE property market and are currently expanding our investment portfolio in the aforementioned regions as well.

Additionally, HGI owns a substantial number of bonds in the MENA, European, American and Asian markets, which also constitute a large portion of our dealings in the field.

HGI also partake in worldwide dealings via Forex. com using all major currencies, in addition to operating funds in the aforementioned regions.

Henderson Grp Share Chat - HGI

gbb483. The price hike over the last few days is just a correction for the mis-alignment of the special dividend and the stock consolidation. If the share price had been 138p then it would've been ok, as it was closer to 175p pre consolidation, it's had to adjust to 185p post consolidation.

wiseacre. The PR output from this company is indefatigible and full marks should be given for its redoubtable efforts as it pushes its shareprice upwards and onwards with spoecial dividend; presentations and general hype. However there is no smoke without fire and rumours last summer that its funds took on board a lot of toxic waste in the form of credit derivatives may yet have their consequence despite blanket denials from the board. Be warned.

crosswire. In the FTSE 250, asset manager Henderson Group recovered 5¾ to 131¼p. Like the rest of its sector, it has tumbled on worries about the fall-out of the credit crunch, having traded as high as 176½p last month. Dealers bought into the stock ahead of Friday's interim results, where it is expected to update the market on plans to return up to £250m to shareholders. http://www. telegraph. co. uk/money/main. jh tml? xml=/money/2007/ 08/21/cxmktrep121.xm l

matthewa. Any thoughts with results Friday?

skythelimit. I have been following the latest thread on Henderson with interest. I am particularly indebted to Bohemia for the letter he attaches from J Kyle Bass of Hayman about the smoke and mirrors exercise used to dump sub prime risk on unwitting and credulous investors. It is outrageous. Moreover Bohemia is correct that it is unfair that such an august name like the Henderson Group is now being tarnished with participation. But like Simon Cawkwell I too have heard such rumours and from more than one source. Can I suggest that a senior officer of Henderson issues a statement to the market that such rumours are baseless and without foundation and clear this matter up? However I must disagree that it is a defence that a AAA rated fund is marketed to investors who believe that the AAA rating reflects the quality of the investments when it only reflects the previous PERFORMANCE. If I bought into such a fund believing that I was buying a portfolio of well-managed AAA rated instruments only to discover they were ZZZ, I would rightly feel I was misled and would certainly seek redress in law for any loss that I had consequently suffered. But even if these damaging rumours about Henderson are indeed baseless, I must concur with both Bohemia and Simon Cawkwell that Henderson is a sell. On fundamentals it is over-valued by at least 35 pence. Its recent highs have been propelled by bull market sentiment. I foresee market gravity taking it back to 100p in the near future. But if any of those rumours about Henderson prove true, though my name is Skythelimit, the Henderson share price will be a case of Plumbthedepths.

simon cawkwell. Bohemia, I think that if you reconsider what I have written you will agree that I have taken some care not to level anything against anybody specifically. Simon Cawkwell

bohemia. Surely though the rating is the responsibility of S&P and or Moodys, unless someone - the originator or intermediary - mis-stated what the underlying loans were like. But HGI wouldn't appear to fill that role, and it seems a little unfair to level that against them Simon. Not that there isn't a great deal of litigation to come. This is well worth a read: http://www. dealbreak er. com/images/pdf/Ha ymanJuly07.pdf (Disclaimer: I am short HGI anyhow!)

simon cawkwell. Gentlemen, Apparently, some of these CDO funds have been sold as AAA rated. This may be another split capital litigation schemozzle in the making. Any fund group thus engaged is going to have a torrid time. Simon Cawkwell

ĐẦU TƯ NGOẠI HỐI | forex, vàng tài khoản, ngoại tệ

Bạn vẫn còn băn khoăn về đầu tư vào Forex?

Nếu chúng ta đang trò chuyện với nhau, chắc hẳn bạn sẽ có rất nhiều câu hỏi về sự kiện này. Chúng tôi có thể trả lời lần lượt từng câu một. Tất nhiên điều này không dễ dàng gì thực hiện trên web…vì vậy chúng tôi cố gắng trả lời những câu hỏi thường gặp nhất

Hiện tại, giao dịch vàng tài khoản (sử dụng đòn bẩy) ở Việt Nam vẫn chưa được pháp luật công nhận, tại sao vẫn giao dịch được tại HGI?

Như bạn đã biết, luật pháp Việt Nam chưa đi theo kịp sự phát triển kinh tế cả ở trong nước và trên thế giới. Do vậy, Nhà nước đang tạm dừng (không phải cấm) việc giao dịch tài khoản. Trong thời gian tới chắc chắn mở lại vì đây là một kênh đầu tư thúc đẩy nền kinh tế phát triển và rất phổ biến trên khắp thế giới.

Ngoài ra, đây là một kênh đầu tư giao dịch hàng hóa theo giá thế giới (vàng chỉ là một trong các hàng hóa) có hàng trăm năm hoạt động hoàn toàn hợp pháp ở quốc tế, nên theo lộ trình, Việt Nam cũng phải hội nhập với kinh tế thế giới nên xu hướng tất yếu phải có sàn giao dịch hàng hóa. HGI là công ty tiên phong, đón đầu xu hướng vì thế những nhà đầu tư trong giai đoạn này cũng là những nhà đầu tư tiên phong.

Số tiền tôi mở tài khoản có được đảm bảo không? Cơ quan nào đứng ra bảo lãnh?

Hoạt động giao dịch trên thị trường hàng hóa thế giới của HGI dựa trên sự liên kết giữa HGI với quỹ đầu tư, Nhà môi giới có trụ sở tại Mỹ (BMFN). Do vậy, mọi giao dịch thông qua HGI sẽ được Quỹ đầu tư này bảo lãnh, đảm bảo, đồng thời số tiền mà bạn mở tài khoản sẽ được đảm bảo bằng Hợp đồng mà anh chị ký kết với công ty chúng tôi. Hợp đồng cũng là căn cứ pháp lý nếu có tranh chấp hay bất cứ điều gì xảy ra.

Nếu có tranh chấp xảy ra, Nhà đầu tư có được bảo vệ không? Cơ quan pháp luật nào sẽ bảo vệ chúng tôi?

Khi có tranh chấp xảy ra giữa NĐT với bên thứ 3 trong giao dịch, HGI luôn bảo vệ quyền lợi NĐT và hỗ trợ NĐT trong mọi trường hợp.

Khi có tranh chấp giữa NĐT với HGI: khách hàng đã ký hợp đồng với HGI, nên khi tranh chấp xảy ra giữa HGI với khách hàng thì sẽ được giải quyết theo Pháp luật và nội dung hợp đồng đã ký.

Phí chuyển đổi vàng trong phần mềm sang vàng SJC là bao nhiêu?

Bạn muốn rút vàng thì chỉ cần nhà đầu tư nộp đủ 100% số tiền theo giá đã mua + chênh lệch giữa giá quy đổi và giá vàng vật chất SJC ngoài thị trường tại thời điểm rút.

Sàn HGI tại sao không cho phép khách hàng ủy quyền cho tư vấn giao dịch hộ khi khách hàng không có thời gian?

Bạn có thể ủy quyền theo mẫu hợp đồng ủy quyền của công ty và trách nhiệm của hai bên sẽ được ghi rõ trong nội dung bản hợp đồng đó.

Trường hợp ủy quyền giao dịch: bạn nhắn tin điểm vào lệnh, điểm dừng lỗ, chốt lời, khối lượng giao dịch => tư vấn sẽ đặt lệnh.

Có nên đầu tư vàng ở thời điểm này không?

Luôn có cơ hội để đầu tư vàng và ngoại tệ (vì thị trường có tính hai chiều và thanh khoản tốt). VD: thị trường chứng khoán. BĐS: chỉ có chiều mua thấp bán cao. Còn thị trường hàng hóa thế giới, quy mô toàn cầu và khối lượng giao dịch lớn => có thể giao dịch 2 chiều khi nhận định được cơ hội => Bạn chỉ cần ký quỹ cho lệnh giao dịch của mình.

Đầu tư theo chiến thuật là đầu tư như thế nào? Hay nói cách khác: làm thế nào để kiểm soát tâm lý trong quá trình giao dịch?

Đó là khi vào lệnh, bạn có chiến lược rõ ràng: xác định điểm vào, mục tiêu lợi nhuận. Chiến lược dựa trên phân tích cơ bản, phân tích kỹ thuật, mức kháng cự, hỗ trợ và sử dụng các công cụ hỗ trợ để nhận biết tín hiệu vào lệnh.

Bạn có thể tham khảo chiến lược hàng ngày của HGI hoặc chiến lược của các tổ chức tài chính lớn được đăng tải trên website của HGI vì vậy bạn có thể kiểm soát được lời lỗ của mình, từ đó kiểm soát được tâm lý giao dịch.

Tại sao tôi lại mất phí Commission cho công ty anh trong khi tôi có thể mở tài khoản trực tiếp với nước ngoài mà mất phí ít hơn? Tôi được lợi gì hơn nếu mở tài khoản ở công ty anh?

Đến với HGI, bạn sẽ được hưởng dịch vụ tư vấn chuyên nghiệp, CSKH tận tâm, được đào tạo trước và trong quá trình đầu tư, do đó sẽ giúp bạn tối đa hóa lợi nhuận, hạn chế rủi ro, vì vậy chúng tôi phải thu phí để đảm bảo duy trì hoạt động và phát triển.

Nếu bạn mở tài khoản trực tiếp tại nước ngoài ai sẽ đảm bảo rằng bạn sẽ được đảm bảo số tiền mà bạn đã bỏ vào để giao dịch cũng như lợi nhuận của anh chị khi giao dịch thành công, các anh chị sẽ gặp ai khi có thắc mắc và khiếu kiện xảy ra?

Nếu mở tại HGI, HGI là đại diện bảo vệ quyền lợi cho nhà đầu tư.

Làm thế nào để biết phần mềm của công ty chạy ổn định so với phần mềm chuẩn?

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Manesh Patel tốt nghiệp Thạc sỹ về Kỹ sư tại Học viện Công nghệ Georgia. Ông làm việc trong lĩnh vực kỹ sư quản lý các dự án cho các công ty như Lucent Technologies, và Bell Labs. Tác giả cuốn sách bán chạy nhất: Giao dịch với Đám mây Ichimoku “Trading with Ichimoku Clouds”. Hướng dẫn cơ bản về Phân tích Kỹ thuật Ichimoku Kinko Hyo

Tháng 4/2009 Công ty cổ phần Đầu tư tài chính Hà Nội Vàng chính thức được thành lập và đi vào hoạt động với lĩnh vực kinh doanh chủ chốt là Tư vấn đầu tư tài chính, cùng với 3 sản phẩm mục tiêu: tư vấn đầu tư kinh doanh vàng, đầu tư chứng khoán và giao dịch bất động sản

Chúng tôi xây dựng hệ thống chuyên gia hàng đầu với nhiều năm kinh nghiệm trực tiếp tư vấn và đào tạo cho các nhà đầu tư muốn trở thành các trader chuyên nghiệp. Đối tác duy nhất của tập đoàn tài chính BMF(BOSTON MERCHANT FINANCIAL) nằm trong top 50 sàn giao dịch hàng hóa tương lai uy tín nhất thể giới NFA(NationalFutures Association) ID #0379830

H. G.I là điểm đến đáng tin cậy cho các nhà đầu tư


Công ty Cổ phần đầu tư tài chính Hà Nội Vàng - H. G.I Địa chỉ: tầng 3,4 tòa nhà ARTEX ,172 Ngọc Khánh - Ba Đình - Hà Nội

Phạm Tùng SĐT: 094 626 7997 Email: phamtung. hgi@gmail. com

Dividend Stocks Making A Comeback

2010 is only a few weeks old and already trends are beginning to emerge. The market seems to be searching for quality assets this year. During 2009, investors poured money into emerging markets and distressed debt, snapping up casualties of the financial crisis that were too good to be true. As technology and similar fast-growing sectors gained, the so called widow-and-orphan stocks have been passed by. The previous year was about a return to risk, this year it's about taking those gains and finding safer investments to put them in. That means a return to value investing for many investors, with a focus on dividends.

IN PICTURES: How To Make Your First $1 Million Quality Assets on the Rise The broad based iShares Dow Jones Select Dividend Index (NYSE:DVY ), which follows dividend-focused companies like Lorillard (NYSE:LO ), has nearly doubled the return of the S&P 500 through December. Similar dividend-focused vehicles continue to do well. Many analysts believe that the threat of widespread dividend cuts are behind us, as there have been zero cuts in December. This, combined with a growing notion that the overall health of the global economy is increasing, is spurring investors towards dividend-focused investing.

Investors wanting to add a dividend component to a portfolio have numerous different avenues to choose from. There are plenty of individual stocks with growing, treasury-beating dividends, such as Colgate-Palmolive's (NYSE:CL ) 2.2% yield. The boom in the exchange-traded fund industry provides investors several ways to add dividend income to a portfolio. While DVY and its sister the SPDR S&P Dividend (NYSE:SDY ) get all the attention and hold the bulk of the assets in this space, there are other funds that offer higher yields and different weighting methodologies that could produce better overall returns.

A Couple of Alternative Dividend Picks With a 5.3% trailing dividend yield, beating both DVY and SDY's distribution of 3.8%, the Claymore Multi-Asset Income ETF (NYSE:CVY ) offers investors a way to play the full gamut of equity income options. Aside from common stocks, the fund is allowed to invest in REITs, master limited partnerships. preferred stock classes and closed-end funds. The fund is not limited to domestic issues, so it adds an international component as well. Top holdings include ING's 8.5% Perpetual Preferred shares (NYSE:IGK ) and Mark West Energy Partners (NYSE:MWE ). Claymore also offers a straight global version of the ETF, Claymore International Multi-Asset Income (NYSE:HGI ).

Following 50 stocks selected principally on the basis of dividend yield and consistent growth in dividends, the PowerShares High Yield Dividend Achievers (NYSE:PEY ) offers a 4.63% dividend yield. The fund also may be of interest to investors due to the ETF's policy of monthly income distributions. The fund is heavily weighted towards financial stocks, with 39% of assets in the sector.

Vanguard offers an interesting fund in the form of its Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (NYSE:VIG ). The fund follows the stocks of companies that have a record of increasing dividends over time. In return for sacrificing current income - VIG currently yields 2.08% - investors have the chance to participate in long-term income potential and greater total returns. The fund follows 186 stocks and has a rock bottom expense ratio of 0.24%.

Bottom Line Dividends seem to be making a comeback in 2010, as investors look for places to stash gains from riskier asset sales. Exchange-traded fund investors wanting to add equity income to a portfolio have many choices besides the heavyweights of DVY and SDY. By applying different dividend strategies, investors may get better results. The previous three ETF picks are great places to start an alternative dividend search. (Learn about the differences between ETFs and Index Funds in ETF Vs. Index Funds: Quantifying the Differences ) Use the Investopedia Stock Simulator to trade the stocks mentioned in this stock analysis, risk free!

Fondos Mutuos y ETFs

Learn how mutual funds differ from exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in how they are traded. Also, learn what fees are involved. Read Answer >>

Understand whether mutual funds need stricter regulation. Learn what types of current and future regulations have been put. Read Answer >>

Learn about exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which can generate capital gains for their shareholders due to occasional and substantial. Read Answer >>

Understand what a hedge fund is and how it differs from a mutual fund. Learn about the ways in which a hedge fund becomes. Read Answer >>

Learn how some Vanguard exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are available commission-free through multiple third-party investment. Read Answer >>

Henderson Group PLC (LSE)

Spread bets and CFDs are leveraged products and can result in losses that exceed deposits. The value of shares, ETFs and ETCs bought through an IG stockbroking or stocks and shares ISA account can fall as well as rise, which could mean getting back less than you originally put in. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take care to manage your exposure.

CFD, stockbroking and stocks and shares ISA accounts provided by IG Markets Ltd, spread betting provided by IG Index Ltd. IG is a trading name of IG Markets Ltd (a company registered in England and Wales under number 04008957) and IG Index Ltd (a company registered in England and Wales under number 01190902). Dirección registrada en Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, Londres EC4R 2YA. Tanto IG Markets Ltd (Registro número 195355) como IG Index Ltd (Registro número 114059) están autorizados y regulados por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera. Excluye las apuestas binarias, en las que IG Index Ltd está licenciado y regulado por la Gambling Commission, número de referencia 2628. IG Index soporta juegos de azar responsables, para obtener información y asesoramiento, visite www. gambleaware. co. uk.

The information on this site is not directed at residents of the United States or any particular country outside the UK and is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

Tiếp nối chuỗi sự kiện “ ĐẦU TƯ THÔNG MINH – THÀNH CÔNG BỀN VỮNG ”

Cùng với việc gia nhập WTO và mở cửa thị trường Tài chính đang tạo ra nhiều lĩnh vực kinh doanh đầy tiềm năng như: Chứng khoán, Bất động sản, Vàng, Ngoại tệ, Dầu thô đã từ lâu được giao dịch trên các Sàn giao dịch Thế giới (ToCom, NY Comex. ). Thị trường Chứng khoán ảm đạm. Bất động sản đang đóng băng. Bạn đang có số tiền nhàn rỗi, Vậy làm sao để tiền của bạn không "chết", đầu tư vào đâu để khả năng sinh lợi cao nhất? Bạn đang phân vân về điều đó.

o Bạn đang tìm khóa học đầu tư hiệu quả .

o Bạn đang đầu tư và muốn có được nhiều thành công hơn?

o Hay đơn giản là bạn đang tìm kênh đầu tư mới hiện nay?

Tất cả những điều bạn cần đều nằm trong khóa học đặc biệt:


Chương trình do Ban chiến lược Công ty HGI tổ chức.

Nếu bạn đã sẵn sàng thì đây là những điều dành cho bạn tại khóa học này:

o Tuyệt chiêu xác định xu hướng thị trường forex.

o Bí quyết phân tích kỹ thuật cho nhà đầu tư forex dài hạn .

o Chiến lược và chiến thuật cho bạn đầu tư dài hạn

o Phương pháp mới cho việc mua bán forex trong ngày

o Bí quyết, chiến lược quản lý dòng tiền lãi cùng tiền vốn hiệu quả.

o Kiểm soát và làm chủ tâm lý giao dịch forex.

o Và hơn thế nữa…


- Thời lượng. 01 buổi

- Khai giảng. ngày 24/7/2014

- Thời gian. 18:00pm – 20:00pm

- Địa điểm. Lầu 11, tòa nhà ACB, số 444A-446, Cách Mạng tháng 8, P11, Q3, HCM

- Học phí. 680.000 đồng/người.

- Đăng ký trước ngày 21/7/2014, ưu đãi MIỄN PHÍ cho 10 Nhà Đầu Tư đăng ký sớm .

- Diễn giả chính: Ông Phan Thành Danh – ( Thành viên Ban chiến lược, chuyên viên Đội quản lý Quỹ công ty HGI ).

- Cùng đội ngũ các chuyên gia đào tạo dày dặn kinh nghiệm trên thị trường tài chính Thế Giới trong nhiều năm.

Thông tin liên hệ:

Đăng ký theo biểu mẫu dưới đây để được học miễn phí buổi đầu tiên hoặc:

- Điện thoại. 0937.18.18.12 gặp Thành

- Địa điểm. Lầu 11, tòa nhà ACB, số 444A-446, Cách Mạng tháng 8, P11, Q3, HCM.

Số lượng chỗ ngồi có hạn. Vui lòng liên hệ sớm để đặt chỗ trước.

hgi something odd going on

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Breakout signal is one of the most common method in forex technical trading. Breakout signal can be generated from any source of the indicator or even trend line signal. Another example of break out trading method is Bollinger Band break out or more simple Moving average breakout trades.

In this post, I'll talk about ATR break out or Average True Range method.

Average True Range measure how much price for the set of time. For example in the last 50 hours (50 candles of 1-Hour time frame) what is the "true range" of price that move.

What is true range? Simple enough you will get the answer is less than 0.03 second.

Anyway, to put this method in to meachanical trading strategy can be profitable.

If you are forexfactory's member now you can access this thread. http://www. forexfactory. com/showthread. php? t=562470

In the trade explorer you will see good result profiting in green dollar very quick. In my opinion it is really nice one.

Start manual trading journal

I know that myself has been on/off with this blog for a few years. I came back as a loser fro EA development race to win FOREX war.

Anyway, i'm not going to give it up. Nunca.

I'll put the ea development off for a while now.

I'm going to start writing about manual trading on large timeframe. Perhaps that could be the wise decision I ever make this year. As time already pass about 10 months already.

I know I like trading. I like earning to be able to make my infrastructure for financial freedom.

I'm lucky that I don't have to make a payment for either house or cars. My family already has.

From this time on, I'm going to do cluster trading.

NZD has been in rally for one months and it start to erode.

Credit FXCM video on youtube (https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=kgNbImgONKo)

What moves the currency market?

Economic development

Growth Rate

Private sector consumption



Monetary and Fiscal policy

Interest rate decision

Central bank rhetoric

Economic forecast

Public finances

Trading the news

Check list for trading the news

Choose events that produces volatility

Track market expectations -- need to know what the traders are betting on and what is the expected number for the event

Focus on specific currency pair(s)

Identify medium and short term trend

Pick reasonable targets and stops

Lista de verificación

Choose pair that fits the trade

Relative price action (Trending or Range Bound Market)

Intraday Swings (Highs and Lows)

Is the news bullish or bearish

Wait for news/noise to feed through, wait for real reaction

Look for confirmation behind the initial reaction, wait is the key, patient

Is the event even trade-able (Risk vs. Reward)

Identify appropriate stop and target

Choose pair that fit the trade

Tends to have high liquidity

Best available spread

Not trading at extreme levels

Basic Strategy

Initiate trade with two lots

Place initial Stop for both lots, right after enter the trade

Set the target for first lot -- we want to be able to grab what we can

Open objective for second lot's target -- we want it is open to see and improvise for what the market is changing into

Move stop on second lot when first trade reaches mark, move the target to breakeven

Use discretion for second target


the Euro/Dollar is pare ahead of the release and holding range bound trading before the news. We got some noise smoke print down the and some push to the euro-dollar -- which is "bearish" dollar reaction. At this point don't do the trade yet. we still need to wait. The up arrow in the picture below is the last bar when news was released.

The we wait for the intraday bar to close. This is to confirm how the market play out. Spike retraced sharply down to 1.4205.

Advances to a High of 1.4272.

No trade had been placed at this point. The price does not seems to project a path for this candle, wide range doji.

Next bar confirm for a bearish in US dollar after the bar breaking out of the range and advancing to day High.

Price speed meter (Speedometer)

Everything in financial world has to be quantifiable, interest rate, employment, dollar price, commodity index and so on. Those number has its own unit and meaning. Foreign exchange is dynamically changing market. It is adapting and moving to economic news event and many trader make money from the market move.

To quantify the move of the pair being trade, one may derive with magnitude of the move. Let's say 100 pips a day in D1 timeframe or using average thru range calculation to came up with the estimate range for those pairs will be trading.

This, proudly present, is interesting indicator. It measure the speed of price changing in pips per second. Yes, pips per second.

using speedometer indicator

According to the author of this speed indicator, you can download his indicator from here .

It is get much attention from fellow traders here in FF forum including me.

entradas populares

EA XMT Scalper free download Hi, I discover shared EA free version from my local Forex forum here. And the download link from this websi.

I spend today freaking hot afternoon summer (Thailand) looking at the trades data (result if I may say). I run my bot total 10 pairs with.


I'd got my hand on the article about cluster indicator and its actual usage in trading forex. Cluster indicators or nickname CCp and CCF.

Week#01 Summary Result This first week is very impressive. Below is my LIVE account, real money. and I try to put this as my forward te.

I wrote mt4 expert advisor code for a few month. Yesterday just finished the back test result. It make $1000 into $150k in just 3 years.  .

Update week 02 result on fully automated forex robot trading. I released the code here, you can download it for FREE. No charge, no e-mai.

Week5 Opmizing CCFp entry filter for Feb10 Auto Bot This week is the week for optimizing the code for Feb10 Automated Robot Trading. I us.

Just want to post the link for currency strength meter I found. It should be good for me to test. edit: another currency strength meter.

I'm just got smart to track history orders. last couple weeks I use manual tracking and Excel to extract all the information using m.

Hilton Garden Inn, Dowell

About Hilton Garden Inn

The Hilton Garden Inn Solomons hotel is located on Dowell Road in historic Solomons, Maryland and 2.5 miles from the Patuxent Naval Air Station (Pax River), headquarters for the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD), the Navy Test Pilot School and over 150 technology firms that support Pax River. Nearby Solomons, MD hotel are some of the finest nature and water oriented recreational activities on the East Coast. Access to the world famous Chesapeake Bay is minutes away by boat. Hilton Garden Inn Solomons, Maryland hotel features 100 rooms equipped with a large chair and ottoman, oversized desk with ergonomic chair, 2 phones with voicemail, complimentary high-speed Internet access, 26-inch flat screen HDTV, premium cable and movie download, alarm clock with MP3 plug access, refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, hairdryer, iron and ironing board. A fitness center, indoor pool with Jacuzzi and an outdoor seasonal pool are also available at our Dowell hotel.


* 13100 Dowell Road,

* Otros

* St Marys Airport is 17 km from Airport.

* Pin -20629

Facilities & Servicios

* Room Service

* Coin Laundry

* Elevators

* Gift Shop

* Lounge

* Safety Deposit Box

* Business Center

* Meeting Rooms

* Fitness Room

* Pool

* Parking

* Banquet

* Connection For Laptop

* Air Conditioning

* Television

*The above rates are dynamic in nature and subject to change. Hence they might be different each time you perform a search or even while you are in the process of booking.

Are Lithium Batteries Safe While Flying? We Don’t Think So! While we’re all aware of the risks of flying with your cell phone switched on, traveling with.

This Week In Travel – No Travel money, man post’s himself in a box from UK to Australia on Air I No travel money, man post’s himself in a box from UK to Australia on Air India flight By Adri.

Address: 200 - 700 Dorval Dr Toronto ON L6K 3V7 Phone: 416 649 4541 Fax: 416 649 4542 Website: http://www. harvestportfolios. com

Warrant Symbol - HGI. WT Number Trading - Expiration Date - March 30, 2012. Cusip - 37951F 11 5 Exercise Price - $12

Warrants Called to Trade News:

Global Advantaged Telecom to separate units

2011-04-04 16:32 MT - Miscellaneous Global Advantaged Telecom & Utilities Income Fund's combined units will begin trading separately at the open on Wednesday, April, 6, 2011, according to the Toronto Stock Exchange. As in a Feb. 25, 2011, prospectus, each unit consists of one transferable trust unit and one warrant. Each warrant entitles the holder to buy one trust unit at $12 from March 15, 2012, to March 30, 2012. The TSX reports that the trust units will trade under the symbol HGI. UN, and the warrants will trade under the symbol HGI. WT.

Global Advantaged Telecom & Utilities Income Fund To Trade On Toronto Stock Exchange

April 4, 2011 Global Advantaged Telecom & Utilities Income Fund (the “Fund”) – Further to Toronto Stock Exchange Bulletin #2011-0417 dated March 21, 2011, which describes an initial public offering of the combined units (the “Combined Units”) of the Fund, the trust units (“Units”) and warrants (“Warrants”), comprising the Combined Units, will trade separately commencing at the opening on Wednesday, April 6, 2011. At the opening on April 6, 2011, the Combined Units (Symbol: HGI. A) will be halted from trading, will remain halted all day, and will be delisted at the close of business on April 6, 2011.

Under the trading information set out below, (i) 5,447,324 Units will be listed, of which 2,723,662 Units will be issued and outstanding and 2,723,662 Units will be reserved for issuance; and (ii) 2,723,662 Warrants will be listed, all of which will be issued and outstanding.

Units Stock Symbol: “HGI. UN” CUSIP: 37951F 10 7 Trading Currency: CDN $

Warrants Stock Symbol: “HGI. WT” CUSIP: 37951F 11 5 Trading Currency: CDN $

Temporary Market Maker: Raymond James Limited

CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc. (“CDS”) will record the CDS participants who hold Units and Warrants on behalf of owners who have purchased or transferred Units and Warrants. Unitholders need not take any action with respect to receiving the Units and Warrants upon the separation of the Combined Units.

Additional information on the Units and the Warrants can be found in the Fund's prospectus dated February 25, 2011, which is available at www. SEDAR. com. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein are as defined in the prospectus.

Warrants: Each Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one Unit at a subscription price of $12.00 per Unit by notifying the Warrant Agent during the period between March 15, 2012 and 5.00 p. m. (Toronto time) on March 30, 2012. Such Warrants will be exercised effective at 5.00 p. m. (Toronto time) on and only on March 30, 2012. Holders who exercise the Warrants will become holders of Units, issued through the exercise of the Warrants.

Hilton Garden Inn, Beaufort

About Hilton Garden Inn

Hilton Garden Inn Beaufort is located on Queen Street, Hilton Garden Inn Beaufort's location enables visitors to explore attractions such as Thomas Hepworth House, Edgar Fripp House and Ocean Point Golf Links. The property offers to its guests spacious and well-maintained rooms that feature all modern day comforts such as air conditioner, alarm clock, telephone and a private bathroom. Guests at Hilton Garden Inn Beaufort can enjoy freshly prepared breakfast served in the relaxing ambience of Great American Grill. Hilton Garden Inn Beaufort has a swimming pool where guests can take a refreshing dip or have some fun with their family. There is also a fitness centre where guests can carry out their fitness regime thoroughly.


* 1500 Queen Street,

* Otros

* Beaufort County Airport is 6.0 Km from hotel

* Pin -29902

Facilities & Servicios

* Parking

* Baggage Storage

* Coin Laundry

* Elevators

* Laundry/Valet Service

* Local Area Transportation

* Lounge

* Luggage Hold

* News Stand

* On-Site Convenience Store

* Room Service

* Safety Deposit Box

* Business Center

* Photo Copying Service

* Printer

* Meeting Rooms

* Gym

* Swimming Pool

* Restaurant

* Air Conditioning

* Alarm Clock

* Cable / Satellite TV

* Internet Access

* Modem / Data Port Connection

* Telephone

* Voicemail


* A freshly prepared breakfast is offered daily in the Great American Grill restaurant.

*The above rates are dynamic in nature and subject to change. Hence they might be different each time you perform a search or even while you are in the process of booking.

Are Lithium Batteries Safe While Flying? We Don’t Think So! While we’re all aware of the risks of flying with your cell phone switched on, traveling with.

This Week In Travel – No Travel money, man post’s himself in a box from UK to Australia on Air I No travel money, man post’s himself in a box from UK to Australia on Air India flight By Adri.

Henderson Group PLC (LSE)

Spread bets and CFDs are leveraged products and can result in losses that exceed deposits. The value of shares, ETFs and ETCs bought through an IG stockbroking or stocks and shares ISA account can fall as well as rise, which could mean getting back less than you originally put in. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take care to manage your exposure.

CFD, stockbroking and stocks and shares ISA accounts provided by IG Markets Ltd, spread betting provided by IG Index Ltd. IG is a trading name of IG Markets Ltd (a company registered in England and Wales under number 04008957) and IG Index Ltd (a company registered in England and Wales under number 01190902). Dirección registrada en Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, Londres EC4R 2YA. Tanto IG Markets Ltd (Registro número 195355) como IG Index Ltd (Registro número 114059) están autorizados y regulados por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera. Excluye las apuestas binarias, en las que IG Index Ltd está licenciado y regulado por la Gambling Commission, número de referencia 2628. IG Index soporta juegos de azar responsables, para obtener información y asesoramiento, visite www. gambleaware. co. uk.

The information on this site is not directed at residents of the United States or any particular country outside the UK and is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

Retired or Near-Retirement? Check Out These Multi-Asset Income ETFs

For those nearing retirement, figuring out how to transition from accumulating investments to spending that money is a major concern. Income is the name of game. But with interest rates currently in the basement, investors have had to broaden their horizons to new assets classes in order to find yield.

Everything from pipeline master limited partnerships (MLPs) to high-yielding dividend stock funds – like the iShares Select Dividend (DVY ) – have now become portfolio staples for investors looking for yields beyond 2%.

Accordingly, building an income plan has become a complex operation, but it doesn’t have to be. A proliferation of exchange traded funds (ETFs) help take the guess work out building income and adding these non-traditional sources of yield. For investors, the multi-asset income funds could be a godsend.

Improving On the “Balanced Fund”

Balanced funds – which blend both stocks and bonds together in one portfolio – have received a face-lift. Wall Street has come to the rescue with a variety of new products designed to make managing income in retirement easier. These new multi-asset plays, include weightings to everything from junk bonds. emerging market equity and preferred stocks. to real estate and pipeline partnerships. These new funds can be an easy way to achieve diversified income exposure and meet a need for higher and more stable income.

The basic idea is that most income investors already have plenty of exposure to traditional income products – Treasury bonds or utility stocks, such as Duke Energy Corp. (DUK ), for example. But by incorporating one of these new ETFs into their portfolio, investors gain a higher yield – usually around 5% – long-term capital appreciation potential, as well as broad diversification with lower volatility. At the same time, these multi-asset income plays remove some of the complex tax issues associated with holding some alternative asset classes like MLPs. Most of these funds produce a standard 1099-div form come tax time.

A Few Prime Multi-Asset Picks

While the fund category is still relatively new, there has been an impressive amount of launch activity. Investors do have plenty of choices to add these funds to portfolios.

Launched back in 2006, the Guggenheim Multi-Asset Income (CVY ) is the oldest in the category. CVY features a portfolio constructed of common stocks, REIT s, closed-end funds, MLPs, preferred stocks and Canadian royalty trusts. Overall, the ETF spreads its $1.2 billion in assets among 150 different holdings. That widespread focus helps CVY produce a 5% dividend yield and a five year annual return of 25%. Expenses for CVY run 0.89%. Guggenheim also offers an international version, with its International Multi-Asset Income ETF (HGI ). HGI follows a similar strategy with international stocks and bonds. Ay 3.68%, HGI’s yield is lower.

BlackRock Inc. (BLK ) offers the iShares Morningstar Multi-Asset Income ETF (IYLD ). IYLD uses a fund of funds approach and invests in other iShares ETFs. Currently, the ETF’s portfolio is tilted towards bonds (60% of assets), with stocks (20%) and alternative income sources (20%) rounding out the holdings. That focus on bonds did make it underperform last year, but does help it generate a 6% yield. For those looking for a bond-only multi-asset ETF, there's the new iShares Yield Optimized Bond (BYLD ).

Also offering a high yield (5.89%) is the First Trust Multi-Asset Diversified Income (MDIV ). The $600 million fund spreads its bets among 119 different holdings running the gamut of high-yielding asset classes. Top holdings for MDIV include mortgage REIT Annaly Capital management Inc. (NLY ) and E&P firm QR Energy LP (QRE ). Performance for MDIV has been pretty good as well, with the ETF managing to return 10.98% since its inception in 2012.

Finally, for those investors strictly looking for yield, both the YieldShares High Income ETF (YYY ) and Arrow Dow Jones Global Yield ETF (GYLD ) each pay 6%-plus. It should be noted that their portfolios are a bit riskier, however.

For investors in or nearing retirement, managing an income portfolio can be tricky – especially since low interest rates have pushed investors into new, higher-yielding asset classes. Luckily, there’s a way to get exposure to these alternatives in one ticker.

Learn about the mechanics behind positive and negative compounding in leveraged ETFs and discover why negative compounding. Read Answer >>

A real estate fund invests in securities offered by public real estate properties directly or indirectly through Real Estate. Read Answer >>

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Convert your Simple IRA to a Roth IRA via rollover after you leave your job; you can also convert to a Roth if you are still. Read Answer >>

There probably is no 100% correct answer here, but let's break it down. Suppose that you are 23, you've been working for. Read Answer >>

Qualified and non-qualified retirement plans are created by employers with the intent of benefiting employees. The Employee. Read Answer >>

Bioventix plc ( BVXP )

LSE:BVXP: Holding(s) in Company

Annex 1: Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please tick the applicable box) :

[ ] Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legal entity and does not control any other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the (underlying) issuer. xiii

[X] Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity xiv :

% of voting rights if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold

% of voting rights through financial instruments if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold

Total of both if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold

Henderson Group plc, Henderson Group Holdings Asset Management Limited, HGI Asset Management Group Limited, Henderson Global Group Limited, Henderson Holdings Group Limited, HGI Group Limited, Henderson Global Investors (Holdings) Limited, AlphaGen Capital Limited

Caretech Holdings plc ( CTH )

LSE:CTH: Holding(s) in Company

Annex 1: Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please tick the applicable box).

[ ] Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legal entity and does not control any other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the (underlying) issuer. xiii

[X] Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity xiv.

% of voting rights if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold

% of voting rights through financial instruments if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold

Total of both if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold

Henderson Group plc, Henderson Group Holdings Asset Management Limited, HGI Asset Management Group Limited, Henderson Global Group Limited, Henderson Holdings Group Limited, HGI Group Limited, Henderson Global Investors (Holdings) Limited, AlphaGen Capital Limited

Forex Market Overview


The following facts and figures relate to the foreign exchange market. Gran parte de la información se extrae de la Encuesta Trienal de Bancos Centrales del Banco Central y la Actividad de Mercado de Derivados realizada por el Banco de Pagos Internacionales (BIS) en abril de 2010. 53 bancos centrales y autoridades monetarias participaron en la encuesta, recopilando información de 1.309 mercados Participantes.

Excerpt from the BIS:

"The 2010 triennial survey shows another significant increase in global foreign exchange market activity since the last survey in 2007, following the unprecedented rise in activity between 2004 and 2007. Global foreign exchange market turnover was 20% higher in April 2010 than in April 2007. This increase brought average daily turnover to $4.0 trillion (from $3.3 trillion) at current exchange rates. The higher global foreign exchange market turnover in 2010 is largely due to the increased trading activity of “other financial institutions” – a category that includes nonreporting banks, hedge funds, pension funds, mutual funds, insurance companies and central banks, among others. Turnover by this category grew by 42%, increasing to $1.9 trillion in April 2010 from $1.3 trillion in April 2007." - BIS


Decentralised 'interbank' market

Main participants: Central Banks, commercial and investment banks, hedge funds, corporations & private speculators

The free-floating currency system arose from the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971

Online trading began in the mid to late 1990's

Los horarios comerciales

24 hour market

Sunday 5pm EST through Friday 4pm EST.

Trading begins in the Asia-Pacific region followed by the Middle East, Europe, and America


One of the largest financial markets in the world

$4.0 trillion average daily turnover, equivalent to:

More than 12 times the average daily turnover of global equity markets 1

More than 50 times the average daily turnover of the NYSE 2

More than $500 a day for every man, woman, and child on earth 3

An annual turnover more than 10 times world GDP 4

The spot market accounts for over one-third of daily turnover

1. About $320 billion - World Federation of Exchanges aggregate 2009 2. About $70 billion - World Federation of Exchanges 2009 3. Based on world population of 6.9 billion - US Census Bureau 4. About $58 trillion - World Bank 2009.

Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2010

Major Markets

The US & UK markets account for over 50% of daily turnover

Major markets: London, New York, Tokyo

Trading activity is heaviest when major markets overlap 5

Nearly two-thirds of NY activity occurs in the morning hours while European markets are open 6

5. The Foreign Exchange Market in the United States - NY Federal Reserve 6. The Foreign Exchange Market in the United States - NY Federal Reserve

Average Daily Turnover by Geographic Location

Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2010 Concentration in the Banking Industry

9 banks account for 75% of turnover in the U. K.

7 banks account for 75% of turnover in the U. S.

2 banks account for 75% of turnover in Switzerland

8 banks account for 75% of turnover in Japan

Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2010

Análisis técnico

Commonly used technical indicators:

Promedios móviles


Fibonacci retracements




Bandas de Bollinger

Pivot point

Elliott Wave


The US dollar is involved in over 80% of all foreign exchange transactions, equivalent to over US$3.3 trillion per day

Currency Codes

USD = US Dollar

EUR = Euro

JPY = Japanese Yen

GBP = British Pound

CHF = Swiss Franc

CAD = Canadian Dollar (Sometimes referred to as the "Loonie")

AUD = Australian Dollar

NZD = New Zealand Dollar

Average Daily Turnover by Currency

nótese bien Because two currencies are involved in each transaction, the sum of the percentage shares of individual currencies totals 200% instead of 100%.

Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2010

Currency Pairs

Majors: EUR/USD (Euro-Dollar), USD/JPY, GBP/USD - (commonly referred to as the "Cable"), USD/CHF

Commodity currencies: USD/CAD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD - (commonly referred to as the "Kiwi")

Major crosses: EUR/JPY, EUR/GBP, EUR/CHF

Average Daily Turnover by Currency Pair

Source: BIS Triennial Survey 2010

FX Trading – Trading on the Foreign Exchange Market

Forex trading is growing in popularity, thanks in no small part to the increasing availability of high-speed internet connections, and is attracting a wide variety of traders, including institutional investors, corporations, retail investors and currency speculators. The foreign exchange market, known as “forex” or “fx” to those in the know, is a global financial marketing for trading currencies. It’s the largest financial market in the world, with an estimated four trillion dollars being traded every day. Meanwhile the New York Stock Exchange sees just seventy four billion traded each day. The forex market allows buyers and sellers to trade across the world.

The wide availability of high-speed internet connections means that locations and time zones no longer inhibit online fx trading activity. There is no centralised marketplace in forex trading, so currency trading can take place in dealer networks or brokerages. Many people choose to conduct their activity through a retail FX broker who will charge commission on trades, but the system is accessible enough for a novice to be able to learn the ropes relatively quickly. Forex trading is different from equity trading in that it is based on leverage.

Currency pairs can be selected for trading, using automated third-party software or manually. While software might seem like the smart way to go, many of the most successful traders will tell you that nothing compares to the trading skills of the individual. Auto trading is a great way of excluding emotions from decision-making, but sometimes these emotions can help inform even better decisions. Either way, getting it wrong can mean incurring substantial financial losses for the trader.

A typical foreign exchange market trade would buy a given quantity of a currency while selling a portion of a different currency. This is usually the Euro and the U. S Dollar. If a trader thinks that the Euro will rise in value against the dollar in the future, they will buy Euros with US Dollars. If the prediction is accurate, and the exchange rate movement favours the Euro, the trader will then sell the Euros and turn a profit. If the prediction is inaccurate, a substantial loss could be incurred. Forex trading activities tend to depend on risk appetite, investment objectives and the level of experience held. The big debates in forex trading are around risk. Auto-trading software needs to integrate risk management into its processes and fx trading could gain even more popularity amongst traders and investors.

From WikipediaThe foreign exchange (currency or forex or FX) market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. It is by far the largest market in the world, in terms of cash value traded, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions. Retail traders (small speculators) are a small part of this market. They may only participate indirectly through brokers or banks and may be targets of forex scams.


Market size and liquidity

The foreign exchange market is unique because of:

its trading volume,

the extreme liquidity of the market,

the large number of, and variety of, traders in the market,

its geographical dispersion,

its long trading hours - 24 hours a day (except on weekends).

the variety of factors that affect exchange rates,

Average daily international foreign exchange trading volume was $1.9 trillion in April 2004 according to the BIS study Triennial Central Bank Survey 2004

$600 billion spot

$1,300 billion in derivatives, ie

$200 billion in outright forwards

$1,000 billion in forex swaps

$100 billion in FX options.

Exchange-traded forex futures contracts were introduced in 1972 at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and are actively traded relative to most other futures contracts. Forex futures volume has grown rapidly in recent years, but only accounts for about 7% of the total foreign exchange market volume, according to The Wall Street Journal Europe (5/5/06, p. 20).

Top 10 Currency Traders % of overall volume, May 2005

The main trading centers are in London, New York, and Tokyo, but banks throughout the world participate. As the Asian trading session ends, the European session begins, then the US session, and then the Asian begin in their turns. Traders can react to news when it breaks, rather than waiting for the market to open. There is little or no 'inside information' in the foreign exchange markets. Exchange rate fluctuations are usually caused by actual monetary flows as well as by expectations of changes in monetary flows caused by changes in GDP growth, inflation, interest rates, budget and trade deficits or surpluses, and other macroeconomic conditions. Major news is released publicly, often on scheduled dates, so many people have access to the same news at the same time. However, the large banks have an important advantage; they can see their customers order flow. Trading legend Richard Dennis has accused central bankers of leaking information to hedge funds. [1] Currencies are traded against one another. Each pair of currencies thus constitutes an individual product and is traditionally noted XXX/YYY, where YYY is the ISO 4217 international three-letter code of the currency into which the price of one unit of XXX currency is expressed. Por ejemplo, EUR / USD es el precio del euro expresado en dólares estadounidenses, como en 1 euro = 1,2045 dólar. On the spot market, according to the BIS study, the most heavily traded products were:

EUR/USD - 28 %

USD/JPY - 17 %

GBP/USD (also called cable ) - 14 %

and the US currency was involved in 89% of transactions, followed by the euro (37%), the yen (20%) and sterling (17%). (Note that volume percentages should add up to 200% - 100% for all the sellers, and 100% for all the buyers). Although trading in the euro has grown considerably since the currency's creation in January 1999, the foreign exchange market is thus still largely dollar-centered. For instance, trading the euro versus a non-European currency ZZZ will usually involve two trades: EUR/USD and USD/ZZZ. The only exception to this is EUR/JPY, which is an established traded currency pair in the interbank spot market.

Market participants

According to the BIS study Triennial Central Bank Survey 2004

53% of transactions were strictly interdealer (ie interbank);

33% involved a dealer (ie a bank) and a fund manager or some other non-bank financial institution;

and only 14% were between a dealer and a non-financial company.


The interbank market caters for both the majority of commercial turnover and large amounts of speculative trading every day. A large bank may trade billions of dollars daily. Some of this trading is undertaken on behalf of customers, but much is conducted by proprietary desks, trading for the bank's own account. Until recently, foreign exchange brokers did large amounts of business, facilitating interbank trading and matching anonymous counterparts for small fees. Today, however, much of this business has moved on to more efficient electronic systems, such as EBS, Reuters Dealing 3000 Matching (D2), the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Bloomberg and TradeBook(R). The broker squawk box lets traders listen in on ongoing interbank trading and is heard in most trading rooms, but turnover is noticeably smaller than just a few years ago.

Commercial Companies

An important part of this market comes from the financial activities of companies seeking foreign exchange to pay for goods or services. Commercial companies often trade fairly small amounts compared to those of banks or speculators, and their trades often have little short term impact on market rates. Nevertheless, trade flows are an important factor in the long-term direction of a currency's exchange rate. Some multinational companies can have an unpredictable impact when very large positions are covered due to exposures that are not widely known by other market participants.

Central Banks

National central banks play an important role in the foreign exchange markets. They try to control the money supply, inflation, and/or interest rates and often have official or unofficial target rates for their currencies. They can use their often substantial foreign exchange reserves, to stabilize the market. Milton Friedman argued that the best stabilization strategy would be for central banks to buy when the exchange rate is too low, and to sell when the rate is too high - that is, to trade for a profit. Nevertheless, central banks do not go bankrupt if they make large losses, like other traders would, and there is no convincing evidence that they do make a profit trading. The mere expectation or rumor of central bank intervention might be enough to stabilize a currency, but aggressive intervention might be used several times each year in countries with a dirty float currency regime. Central banks do not always achieve their objectives, however. The combined resources of the market can easily overwhelm any central bank. Several scenarios of this nature were seen in the 1992-93 ERM collapse, and in more recent times in South East Asia.

Investment Management Firms

Investment Management firms (who typically manage large accounts on behalf of customers such as pension funds, endowments etc.) use the Foreign exchange market to facilitate transactions in foreign securities. For example, an investment manager with an international equity portfolio will need to buy and sell foreign currencies in the spot market in order to pay for purchases of foreign equities. Since the forex transactions are secondary to the actual investment decision, they are not seen as speculative or aimed at profit-maximisation. Some investment management firms also have more speculative specialist currency overlay units, which manage clients' currency exposures with the aim of generating profits as well as limiting risk. The number of this type of specialist is quite small, their large assets under management (AUM) can lead to large trades.

Hedge Funds

Hedge funds, such as George Soros's Quantum fund have gained a reputation for aggressive currency speculation since 1990. They control billions of dollars of equity and may borrow billions more, and thus may overwhelm intervention by central banks to support almost any currency, if the economic fundamentals are in the hedge funds' favor.

Retail Forex Brokers

Retail forex brokers or market makers handle a minute fraction of the total volume of the foreign exchange market. According to CNN, one retail broker estimates retail volume at $25-50 billion daily, [2] which is about 2% of the whole market. CNN also quotes an official of the National Futures Association "Retail forex trading has increased dramatically over the past few years. Unfortunately, the amount of forex fraud has also increased dramatically." All firms offering foreign exchange trading online are either market makers or facilitate the placing of trades with market makers. In the retail forex industry market makers often have two separate trading desks - one that actually trades foreign exchange (which determines the firm's own net position in the market, serving as both a proprietary trading desk and a means of offsetting client trades on the interbank market) and one used for off-exchange trading with retail customers (called the "dealing desk" or "trading desk"). Many retail FX market makers claim to "offset" clients' trades on the interbank market (that is, with other larger market makers), e. g. after buying from the client, they sell to a bank. Nevertheless, the large majority of retail currency speculators are novices and who lose money [3]. so that the market makers would be giving up large profits by offsetting. Offsetting does occur, but only when the market maker judges its clients' net position as being very risky. The dealing desk operates much like the currency exchange counter at a bank. Interbank exchange rates, which are displayed at the dealing desk, are adjusted to incorporate spreads (so that the market maker will make a profit) before they are displayed to retail customers. Prices shown by the market maker do not neccesarily reflect interbank market rates. Arbitrage opportunities may exist, but retail market makers are efficient at removing arbitrageurs from their systems or limiting their trades. A limited number of retail forex brokers offer consumers direct access to the interbank forex market. But most do not because of the limited number of clearing banks willing to process small orders. More importantly, the dealing desk model can be far more profitable, as a large portion of retail traders' losses are directly turned into market maker profits. While the income of a marketmaker that offsets trades or a broker that facilitates transactions is limited to transaction fees (commissions), dealing desk brokers can generate income in a variety of ways because they not only control the trading process, they also control pricing which they can skew at any time to maximize profits. The rules of the game in trading FX are highly disadvantageous for retail speculators. Most retail speculators in FX lack trading experience and and capital (account minimums at some firms are as low as 250-500 USD). Large minimum position sizes, which on most retail platforms ranges from $10,000 to $100,000, force small traders to take imprudently large positions using extremely high leverage. Professional forex traders rarely use more than 10:1 leverage, yet many retail Forex firms default client accounts to 100:1 or even 200:1, without disclosing that this is highly unusual for currency traders. This drastically increases the risk of a margin call (which, if the speculator's trade is not offset, is pure profit for the market maker). According to the Wall Street Journal ( Currency Markets Draw Speculation, Fraud July 26, 2005) "Even people running the trading shops warn clients against trying to time the market. 'If 15% of day traders are profitable,' says Drew Niv, chief executive of FXCM, 'I'd be surprised.' " [4] In the US, "it is unlawful to offer foreign currency futures and option contracts to retail customers unless the offeror is a regulated financial entity" according to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission [5]. Legitimate retail brokers serving traders in the U. S. are most often registered with the CFTC as "futures commission merchants" (FCMs) and are members of the National Futures Association (NFA). Potential clients can check the broker's FCM status atthe NFA. Retail forex brokers are much less regulated than stock brokers and there is no protection similar to that from the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. The CFTC has noted an increase in forex scams [6] .


Controversy about currency speculators and their effect on currency devaluations and national economies recurs regularly. Nevertheless, many economists (e. g. Milton Friedman) argue that speculators perform the important function of providing a market for hedgers and transferring risk from those people who don't wish to bear it, to those who do. Other economists (e. g. Joseph Stiglitz) however, may consider this argument to be based more on politics and a free market philosophy than on economics. Large hedge funds and other well capitalized "position traders" are the main professional speculators. Currency speculation is considered a highly suspect activity in many countries. While investment in traditional financial instruments like bonds or stocks often is considered to contribute positively to economic growth by providing capital, currency speculation does not, according to this view. It is simply gambling, that often interferes with economic policy. For example, in 1992, currency speculation forced the Central Bank of Sweden to raise interest rates for a few days to 150% per annum, and later to devalue the krona. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is one well known proponent of this view [7]. He blamed the devaluation of the Malaysian ringgit in 1997 on George Soros and other speculators. Gregory Millman reports on an opposing view, comparing speculators to "vigilantes" who simply help "enforce" international agreements and anticipate the effects of basic economic "laws" in order to profit. In this view, countries may develop unsustainable financial bubbles or otherwise mishandle their national economies, and forex speculators only made the inevitable collapse happen sooner. A relatively quick collapse might even be preferable to continued economic mishandling. Mahathir Mohamad and other critics of speculation are viewed as trying to deflect the blame from themselves for having caused the unsustainable economic conditions.

Sheraton Hotels

Sheraton Hotels and Resorts began its legacy in the small town of Springfield, Massachusetts. Little did Ernest Henderson and Robert Moore know, when they opened their first Sheraton Hotels and Resorts in 1937, it would become one of the largest hotel chains in the world. A short two years after the founders, Henderson and Moore, opened up the first Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, the Sheraton company began to expand its property throughout the East Coast. Sheraton Hotels and Resorts started building their brand name and chain. From Boston to Florida. travelers could find excellence in hospitality in Sheraton Hotels and Resorts. Sheraton Hotels and Resorts are the perfect hotels for every type of traveler. Whether you are visiting your distant relatives, away on business, or you are on the vacation of a lifetime, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts want to be there for you. Sheraton Hotels and Resorts feel that travel is all about connection. No matter what brings you to the Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, Sheraton wants to make sure every detail connects you with happiness and relaxation. Sheraton Hotels and Resorts believe that the key to a good connection is good service. The level of quality hospitality that Sheraton Hotels provide is one of the main reasons guests are so eager to return to Sheraton Hotels and Resorts. Did you know kids stay free at all Sheraton Hotels and Resorts? In addition, some Sheraton Hotels and Resorts even offer babysitting services through the hotel and outside services allows parents to enjoy a few moments of relaxation on their own. Sheraton Hotels and Resorts don't just stop at babysitting services; if you are a traveling business mogul, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts offer the luxury of having executive services to meet all of your business needs. Whether you are in need of meeting planners, conference rooms, or presentation help, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts offer the staff and resources on hand to help plan and organize your important business functions. Feel free to book a board room with your individual specifications. Sheraton Hotels and Resorts is proud to provide you with the service you need. Sheraton Resorts can be found all over the world.

In fact, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts spread their company outside of the United States and Canada in the 1960s. Opening Sheraton Hotels and Resorts in locations such as Venezuela, Egypt. Israel and Italy. your worldwide travel can end in a good night sleep from Sheraton Hotels and Resorts. At Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, your rest is important. Offering the renowned Sheraton Sweet Sleeper Bed, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts raised the comfort bar to a whole new level when they introduced this bed in 2002. With a plush mattress top, soft and snuggly fleece blankets, and 5 pillows, going to bed will be an activity you look forward to most during your travel. In addition to an amazing bed, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts offer excellent amenities including free high speed internet access, complimentary weekday newspaper delivered to your room daily, televisions and cable, and coffee makers complete with Starbucks coffee and tea products. Some Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, such as the Sheraton Hotels and Resort in Chicago, offer fitness options which include state of the art gyms, indoor pools, sun decks, saunas and massage therapy sessionsWhat better way to relax then a trip to the warm sauna and a massage?

Sheraton Hotels and Resorts are actually part of the Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, Inc.

The Starwood Hotels corporation owns other popular hotel chains including Four Points by Sheraton. St. Regis Hotels & Resorts. The Luxury Collection, Element, Le Meridien. W Hotels, and Aloft. Worldwide, there are over 960 hotel properties owned by the Starwood Hotels and Resorts. All of these hotels under the Starwood Hotels and Resorts offer an unbeatable rewards program. Called the Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG) program, returning guests at any Starwood Hotels and Resorts can receive perks and promotions regular guests aren't privileged to. For every 2 nights you stay at Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, or any other Starwood Hotels and Resorts, you earn a free weekend night stay. Not only does the Starwood Preferred Guest program offer free incentives, but there is no limit to how much you can earn. The more you stay, the more money you save. The Starwood Preferred Guest loyalty program also offers guests a discount on hotel rooms. For every night guests book at a regular rate, with the SPG program you get the next night at 50 percent off. Signing up for the Starwood Preferred Guest is the perfect addition to an already stellar stay at Sheraton Hotels and Resorts.

Hilton Garden Inn

The Hilton Garden Inn hotels have earned the honor of being ranked the "Highest in Guest Satisfaction Among Mid-Scale Hotel Chains with Full Service Three Years in a Row." Earning a reputation of this status can only be the result of extremely dedicated customer service. Hilton Garden Inn, which is part of the Hilton Hotels family, declare they focus their brand almost entirely on what their guests want and request. Frequent Hilton Garden Inn guests have admitted they want high quality amenities, a comfortable atmosphere, and accommodations that can fit both a vacationing stay and business hospitality. What the guests want, the guests get from the New York Hilton Garden Inn to the Anaheim Hilton Hotels .

So what exactly are the high quality amenities the Hilton Garden Inn has to offer? The list is endless. To start with, all hotel rooms are equipped with a coffee maker, microwave and refrigerator to be your home away from home. If you want to stock your fridge, Hilton Garden Inn hotels offer the Pavilion Pantry on location, which is a 24 hour convenience mart. Do you mostly travel for business? Hilton Garden Inn hotels can be transformed into your travel office. Offering an ergonomic work space, free high speed internet access in every room and complementary remote printing from the hotel's 24 hour business center, Hilton Garden Inn hotels can be as welcoming as your work office. Need to hold a conference or special event such as a wedding or family reunion? Guests are more than welcome to book one of the many meeting and banquette facilities. While you are staying at the Hilton Garden Inn hotels, you can stay fit and healthy. Offering workout facilities and Stay-Fit Kits at every location give your body a workout and then soak your muscles in a relaxing whirlpool or swimming pool. Dining at the Hilton Garden Inn can be a vacation itself. From a prepared-to-order breakfast, to elegant lunch and dinner specials, you will never go to bed hungry. For a nightcap, stop by the Pavilion Lounge for a evening cocktail or perfect glass of wine. Select Hilton Garden Inn hotels offer Garden Sleep System beds for a perfect night's slumber.

Hilton Garden Inn hotels formed in the late 1980s. Today, over 260 hotels can be found throughout North America. The Hilton Hotel family houses a slew of prominent hotels. Hotels such as the Doubletree. which has accommodations in over 150 cities, is part of the Hilton hotel family. Conrad Hotels, which is a high class, luxury hotel, can be found in major cities worldwide. Conrad Hotels earns it name from Conrad Hilton, the founder of Hilton Hotels. Embassy Suites hotels were created in1983 and was one of the first hotels in the hospitality industry to use the all-suite concept. Embassy Suites have over 190 locations all over the United States, Canada and Latin America. Hampton Inn and Suites is one of the most economical hotels in the Hilton Hotel family. With over 1,600 locations worldwide, Hampton Inn and Suites is a popular and affordable accommodation choice. Homewood Suites is also part of the Hilton Hotels group. This upscale all-suite style hotel chain targets travelers who are anticipating a long stay. The Waldorf Astoria hotel. earning one of the first titles of "grand hotels", has been recognized throughout the world for its unmatchable service and excellence.

All guests at the Hilton Garden Inn are encouraged to sign up for the Hilton HHonors program. This program is offered to all of the Hilton Family hotels and resorts. así como. This membership allows you to earn "Points and Miles" at over 3,300 hotels worldwide and over 50 participating airlines. Redeem these points for future hotel accommodations, airline travel, and other fantastic promotions. Guests can earn more points by the frequency of their stays at Hilton Hotels. Hilton HHonors allows members to transfer points to other members. The Hilton HHonors program also gives you the option to donate your points to charity organizations.

Hilton Hotels. founded by Conrad Hilton in 1919, is one of the only hotel companies that houses a list of world renounced hotels, incorporating both luxurious and economical hotels into its family. With over 3,000 hotels worldwide, the Hilton Hotel family really has a solid presence in the world of hospitality.

Renaissance Hotels

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Hilton Garden Inn Milwaukee Park Place Hotel

Foods, Water, and Comfort Follow the sense listed here, pain an absence of your metabolism bottoms out therefore it would can believe that pain much more your metabolism will go up. Hilton Hilton garden inn milwaukee park place hotel garden inn milwaukee park place hotel People on the lookout for sunlight and fine sand work best offered viewing actually warm weather.

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Hilton Garden Inn Milwaukee Park Place Hotel

But you ought to be Hilton garden inn milwaukee park place hotel careful, Playa andel Ingles is usually Hilton garden inn milwaukee park place hotel known for advertising identical so good, which you may not be able to understand the big difference, prior to it being too far gone.

You would like to pay for the honest level of your kids and expend equally as much time as is possible with all your young children.

The functionality areas of Evergreen Hotel room can focus on at the very least 670 dinners, either for Developed An evening meal Receptions or China Banquets.

Both your household plus your wallet will many thanks.

This is where the design really can be purchased in.

It had become before known as the Pantlind Hotel, after a very long yr of remodel and additional 29 much more history systems it was reopened in 1981 and utilize its new identity Amway Grand Plaza.

fellis7 (1 review)

Our recent stay at the Hilton Garden Inn in Baltimore County was a nightmare. After being displaced from our home we were referred to the Garden Inn, we stayed in a room where the refrigerator did not work and the TV reception was not clear and the room was not thoroughly cleaned. They sent a repair person who replaced the refrigerator but could not fix the reception on the TV that was a Vendor issue. They offered to give my family a room on another floor which we accepted, upon entering the room it had a bad odor and the floors and table needed to be cleaned. We called the Front desk to send someone up to clean the room I sensed an attitude in the receptionist voice. Housekeeping came to clean the floors that were gritty and wipe down the tables, they apologized for the room not thoroughly being cleaned and left. At this point we were tired and did not make a big deal out of it; we just wanted to get some rest. As we were going to bed my wife pulled back the sheets and discovered insects crawling on the pillow. Once again we called the Front desk and personnel said “What Now” very rude an unsympathetic. A manager was not available at this time his shift did not start until 12 midnight and there were no senior personnel there. According to the receptionist she could not leave the front desk and sent a staff member to our room to confirm the insects were present. The customer comes first adage appears not to work on staff at this hotel. Again they offered another room, This now makes room # 3 and it was now approaching 11: o’clock. Being very, very patient at this point and since my work week starts at 5 am, we moved ourselves with no assists from staff in any of our moves thus far. If you think this is the end of this nightmare it gets worse, yes unimaginable. We are now in the 3rd room after a very long and turbulent night we decided to get this night over with so we could move out in the morning. I said it gets worse, before we go to bed my wife enters the bathroom and crawling on the towels was a BED BUG yes a BED BUG. At this point we had no choice but to run. We called the Front desk once again we got attitude from the receptionist, she sent the security guard up to the room. He took pictures as we also did. There were no negotiating rooms at midnight, the manager showed up and was briefed a head of time and said he apologized and that we would not have to pay for our stay no kidding. We left that hotel in our PJ’s that night, the only one to offer assistant to us in moving was the Manager. Sad. This was the worse experience I have ever had staying at any Hotel, from the unprofessionalism of staff to the less than standard accommodations. For the Hilton brand I truly expected more. It has been some weeks after this horrific event and we still have not received a call from senior mgmt. or other offering any type of apologizes. Buyer be very aware staying at the Hilton Garden Inn.

Robert C, General Manager at Hilton Garden Inn Owings Mills, responded to this review

I'm very sorry to hear about your experience at our hotel. It sounds like things started off bad and got worst. I do apologize for the unacceptable customer service response you received.

I do not believe I was the manager you were referring to in your message, as I wasn't here that time of night on the days in question. However, I am glad he was finally able to assist you.

If you haven't already contacted me directly please do so via email a bwiom_gm@hilton. com or via phone at 410-654-0030 to see if there is anything else we can do, to regain your trust in us.

Thanks very much,

“ Owings Mills owes nobody! ”

My teenage son and I stayed at this property last weekend for yet another tennis tournament. Our room was spacious and comfortable (and included a fridge and microwave - necessities in our minds!). The beds were yummy! The fitness center, though small, had brand new equipment and was immaculate. The breakfast offerings were perfect. The parking was convenient. And the staff were all incredibly friendly and helpful. I would definitely recommend it and would definitely stay there again.

Robert C, General Manager at Hilton Garden Inn Owings Mills, responded to this review

Thank you for your recent stay at our hotel, we truly value your business. Also thank you for taking the time to share your expereinces. it is only through feed back from our guests that we can be sure we are providing an excellent guest experience

Thanks so much for all nice comments about the stay with your son. I'm very glad you both enjoyed it so much. I'll be sure an share your comments with our staff, so they know they are doing a great job.

We look forward to seeing you again should you son have any more tournaments in the area.

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Himalayan Bank acquires 20% stake in SCT

KATHAMNDU, March 13: Himalayan Bank Ltd on Monday acquired 20 percent stake in Smart Choice Technology (SCT) Pvt Ltd.

Fuel shortage, power cuts compel many BFIs to reduce banking hours

KATHMANDU, Feb 22: Most of the bank and financial institutions (BFIs) are yet to resume their evening counters due to shortage of fuel and prolonged power cuts.

Profit of banks surges by 25 per cent

Kathmandu, February 14- Profit of 23 commercial banks went up by a whopping 25 per cent in the second quarter of this fiscal year, as the central bank introduced relief packages to mask the impact of devastating earthquakes of April and May and supply disruptions along border points on the banking sector.

Bankers against scrapping provision to allocate 5 percent of shares to staff

KATHMANDU, Jan 24: Bankers have opined that staff of any bank or financial institutions (BFIs) should not be denied five percent shares of the institution that they are working.

Standard Chartered Bank has revised its previously proposed dividend decision.

Bonus share of Reliance Lotus

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Conversion of Promoters Share

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Prime Commercial Bank AGM approves bonus stock, rights issue

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Futures and Commodity Market News

NORFOLK, NE, Mar 24, 2016 (Marketwired via COMTEX) --

Condor Hospitality Trust, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDOR) (the "Company") today announced results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2015.

"The Company continued to accelerate the disposition of legacy hotels in 2015 to recycle capital into higher margin, increased quality lodging assets," said Bill Blackham, Condor's Chief Executive Officer. "As this transition evolves, the operating margins have increased from 24.3 percent in 2014 to 26.5 percent in 2015 and we expect further improvement in 2016 as we seek to sell over 20 additional legacy hotels and fully invest the proceeds into hotels that meet our new investment strategy."

2015 Key Accomplishments

Acquisitions: In October 2015, the Company acquired three premium-branded hotels in an off-market transaction for $42.5 million. The properties are representative of the new strategic direction of the Company's portfolio into higher quality, premium-branded select-service properties. The properties include the 116-room SpringHill Suites San Antonio Downtown/Riverwalk, the 142-room Hotel Indigo Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, and the 120-room Courtyard Jacksonville Flagler Center. The assets are performing consistently with the Company's underwriting at the time of acquisition.

Dispositions: In 2015, the Company sold 17 non-core hotels for gross proceeds of $54.7 million. Following the close of the fourth quarter 2015, the Company sold three non-core hotels with an aggregate of 364 rooms for combined gross proceeds of $7.0 million. The Company is currently marketing 14 hotels for sale and expects to generate approximately $11.0 million in cash after associated debt repayments and related expenses. These excess proceeds are expected to be recycled into properties that fit the Company's new investment criteria.

Balance Sheet: Significant progress has been made in reducing future debt maturities and improving the Company's liquidity position since December 31, 2014. On October 26, 2015, the Company successfully closed a $10.0 million mortgage loan with Huntington National Bank which was used to refinance an existing loan with Citigroup Global Markets Realty Corp. that was set to mature in November 2015. The loan was the last remaining significant loan maturity in 2015 and positions the Company with no significant 2016 loan maturities. Based on the improvements in its liquidity and debt maturity schedule, management has concluded that there is no longer substantial doubt regarding the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.

Capital Raise: Subsequent to the close of the year, Condor announced that it had raised $30.0 million in a private placement transaction with an affiliate of the StepStone Group. A portion of the proceeds will be used to redeem in cash all outstanding Series A and Series B preferred stock on April 15, 2016, including all unpaid accrued dividends. Excess proceeds will be utilized by the Company to accelerate the strategic repositioning of its portfolio to high quality select-service, limited service, extended stay, and compact full service hotels. Simultaneously with StepStone's investment in Series D preferred stock, the Company's outstanding Series C preferred stock was also exchanged for the newly created Series D preferred stock, resulting in one class of preferred stock for which the Company can require conversion entirely to common stock upon the occurrence of defined capital events. Refer to the Company's Form 8-K filed March 16, 2016 for further details.

Management: On March 3, 2015, the Company hired industry veteran Bill Blackham as Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Blackham, previously the president and CEO of Eagle Hospitality, has an accomplished record of establishing and growing public and private companies. On September 21, 2015, the Company hired Arinn A. Cavey, formerly with KPMG LLP, as Chief Accounting Officer. Arinn will oversee the Company's financial plans, SEC compliance matters, and banking relationships. On October 27, 2015, the Company hired Jonathan J. Gantt, formerly with Starwood Hotels & Resorts, as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Jonathan will lead the Company's capital raising efforts as well as provide overall direction for the Company's accounting, financial reporting, tax, and budget activities.

Rebranding: On July 15, 2015, the Company changed its name to Condor Hospitality Trust, Inc. from Supertel Hospitality, Inc. The name change marks the beginning of a new strategic direction for the Company, including a repositioning of its portfolio into higher quality, significantly newer, premium-branded hotels. The Company's common stock trading symbol changed from SPPR to CDOR. In addition, the Company launched a new website: www. condorhospitality. com.

[1] Three hotels sold subsequent to year-end 2015; $30 million capital raise closed March 16, 2016

Summary Financial Results

RevPAR: For the fourth quarter, revenue per available room (RevPAR) for the 39 same-store hotels declined 3.5 percent to $35.87. The decrease was attributed to an 11.1 percent reduction in occupancy to 56.0 percent, partially offset by an 8.5 percent increase in average daily rate (ADR) to $64.05. In 2015, RevPAR for the same-store hotels increased 2.6 percent to $40.91. The increase was driven by a 7.3 percent increase in ADR to $64.34, offset by a 4.4 percent decline in occupancy to 63.6 percent.

Revenue: Condor's fourth quarter 2015 revenue from continuing operations was $13.1 million compared to $13.2 million in the same 2014 period. In 2015, revenue from continuing operations was $57.3 million, compared to $57.4 million in the prior year. The slight decrease in annual revenue in 2015 was primarily due to the loss of $4.2 million of revenue attributable to 10 hotels in continuing operations sold during the year, which was effectively offset by increased revenue from our October 2015 acquisitions of $2.6 million and increased revenue from legacy held for use ($1.1 million) and held for sale ($0.4 million) properties in continuing operations between the periods.

Net Earnings: Fourth quarter net earnings attributable to common shareholders was $3.4 million, or $0.69 per basic share and $0.01 per diluted share, respectively, compared to a net loss of $(3.8) million, or $(0.80) per basic and diluted share for the same 2014 period. For the year, net earnings attributable to common shareholders was $9.5 million, or $1.94 per basic share and $(0.00) per diluted share, compared to a net loss of $(19.7) million or $(5.05) per basic and diluted share for the same 2014 period.

The results, excluding 2015 earnings per diluted share, include a non-cash derivative gain of $3.6 million for the three months ended December 31, 2015, compared to a derivative loss of $(0.2) million in the same quarter of 2014, and a non-cash derivative gain of $11.6 million for 2015, compared to a derivative loss of $(14.4) million for the same 2014 period. When the value of the derivative liability increases, a loss is recorded and when it decreases, a gain is recorded. One of the key drivers of the value of the derivatives is the market value of the common stock.

Capital Reinvestment: The Company invested $2.2 million in capital improvements throughout the portfolio in the fourth quarter 2015 to upgrade its properties and maintain brand standards, bringing the year to date investment to $5.3 million. Notable capital improvements in 2015 included renovations at the Rocky Mount, Virginia, Comfort Inn and rebranding upgrades at three hotels: Princeton, West Virginia, Quality Inn; Morgantown, West Virginia, Quality Inn; and Culpeper, Virginia, Quality Inn.

Balance Sheet: The Company had cash and available revolver of $4.9 million and $2.5 million, respectively, at December 31, 2015. As of December 31, 2015, the Company had total outstanding debt of $87.5 million, with $70.3 million associated with assets held for use with a weighted average maturity of 3.0 years and a weighted average interest rate of 5.13%.

Dividends: The Company did not declare a dividend on common stock in the fourth quarter 2015. The Company's board of directors elected to suspend the payment of monthly dividends commencing December 31, 2013 on the outstanding shares of its 8.00% Series A Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock (NASDAQ: CDORP), quarterly dividends on the outstanding shares of its 10.00% Series B Preferred Cumulative Stock (NASDAQ: CDORO), and quarterly dividends on the outstanding shares of its 6.25% Series C Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock to preserve capital and improve liquidity. Upon the execution of the StepStone transaction and Preferred Series A and B redemption discussed above, all accumulated dividends will be paid in full. The board of directors will continue to monitor the dividend policy.

"Condor has achieved significant progress in 2015 with key staffing additions, reduced interest costs on debt with staggered maturities, completed attractive acquisitions we expect to have attractive yields in 2016, and improved management contracts having better alignment to reward improved results," said Blackham. "The most important accomplishment started in 2015 and completed in the first quarter of 2016 is the convertible preferred stock setting the stage for significantly larger market capitalization needed to raise additional capital to implement our growth strategy. At this writing, we are evaluating many attractive properties for possible acquisition by the Company."

About Condor Hospitality Trust, Inc.

Condor Hospitality Trust, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDOR) is a self-administered real estate investment trust that specializes in the investment and ownership of upper midscale and upscale, premium-branded select-service, extended stay and limited service hotels. The Company currently owns 39 hotels in 18 states. Condor's hotels are franchised by a number of the industry's most well-regarded brand families including Hilton, Marriott, InterContinental Hotels Group, Choice and Wyndham. For more information or to make a hotel reservation, visit www. condorhospitality. com.

Forward Looking Statement

Certain matters within this press release are discussed using forward-looking language as specified in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and, as such, may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results or performance to differ from those projected in the forward-looking statement. These risks are discussed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures (Unaudited)

Non-GAAP financial measures are measures of our historical financial performance that are different from measures calculated and presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP"). We report Funds from Operations ("FFO"), Adjusted FFO ("AFFO"), Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization ("EBITDA"), Adjusted EBITDA, and Property Operating Income ("POI") as non-GAAP measures that we believe are useful to investors as key measures of our operating results and which management uses to facilitate a periodic evaluation of our operating results relative to those of our peers. Our non-GAAP measures should not be considered as an alternative to U. S. GAAP net income (loss) or operating income (loss) as an indication of financial performance or to U. S. GAAP cash flows from operating activities as a measure of liquidity. Additionally, these measures are not indicative of funds available to fund cash needs or our ability to make cash distributions as they have not been adjusted to consider cash requirements for capital expenditures, property acquisitions, debt service obligations, or other commitments.

The following table reconciles net earnings (loss) to FFO and AFFO for the three months and years ended December 31 (in thousands.) All amounts presented include both continuing and discontinued operations.

We calculate FFO in accordance with the standards established by the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT), which defines FFO as net earnings computed in accordance with GAAP, excluding gains or losses from sales of real estate assets, impairment, and the depreciation and amortization of real estate assets. FFO is calculated both for the Company in total and as FFO available to common shareholders, which is FFO excluding earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests and preferred stock dividends. AFFO is FFO available to common shareholders adjusted to exclude items we do not believe are representative of the results from our core operations, such as non-cash unrealized gains or losses on derivative liabilities, gains on debt conversion, and cash charges for acquisition costs and terminated equity offering expense. All REITs do not calculate FFO and AFFO in the same manner; therefore, our calculation may not be the same as the calculation of FFO and AFFO for similar REITs.

We consider FFO and AFFO to be useful additional measures of performance for an equity REIT because they facilitate an understanding of the operating performance of our properties without giving effect to real estate depreciation and amortization, which assume that the value of real estate assets diminishes predictably over time. Since real estate values have historically risen or fallen with market conditions, we believe that FFO and AFFO provide a meaningful indication of our performance.

EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA

The following table reconciles net earnings (loss) to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA for the three months and years ended December 31 (in thousands). All amounts presented include both continuing and discontinued operations.

We calculate EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA by adding back to net earnings (loss) certain non-operating expenses and certain non-cash charges which are based on historical cost accounting which we believe may be of limited significance in evaluating current performance. We believe these adjustments can help eliminate the accounting effects of depreciation and amortization and financing decisions and facilitate comparisons of core operating profitability between periods. In calculating EBITDA, we add back to net earnings (loss) interest expense, loss on debt extinguishment, income tax expense, and depreciation and amortization expense. In calculating Adjusted EBITDA, we adjust EBITDA to add back net (gain) loss on disposition of assets, acquisition and terminated transactions expense, and terminated equity transactions expense, which are cash charges. We also add back impairment, gain on debt conversion, and unrealized derivative gain or loss, which are non-cash charges. Our current calculation of EBITDA varies from that presented in previous filings as EBITDA was historically calculated based on net earnings (loss) available to common shareholders with preferred dividends and noncontrolling interest added back only to Adjusted EBITDA. EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA, as presented, may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of other companies.

We believe that EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA to be useful additional measures of our operating performance, excluding the impact of our capital structure (primarily interest expense), our asset base (primarily depreciation and amortization expense), and other items we do not believe are representative of the results from our core operations.

Property Operating Income

The following table reconciles operating income (loss) to POI for the three months and years ended December 31 (in thousands). All amounts presented include only continuing operations unless otherwise noted.

We calculate POI as room rentals and other hotel services revenue less hotel and property operating expenses. We believe POI is helpful to investors as it better communicates the comparability of our hotels' operating results for all of the Company's hotel properties. POI as presented above includes both continuing and discontinued operations.

SOURCE: Condor Hospitality Trust, Inc.

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Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

If you follow the Equity Indices closely, you can sometimes spot patterns that repeat themselves with a high degree of consistency. Continúe leyendo aquí.

August 24, 2015, was an important day in world currency markets. The Chinese shocked the world with a devaluation of the yuan. Continúe leyendo aquí.

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Hilton Garden Inn. Hilton Worldwide 's (NYSE: HLT) upscale global brand of hotels, today announced the opening of Hilton Garden Inn Tanger City Center. The property, which is owned by Inveravante and managed by Hilton Worldwide, brings 320 new rooms to the Hilton Garden Inn brand of more than 650 hotels worldwide. It is the brand's first property in Morocco.

"We are thrilled to bring the Hilton Garden Inn brand to Morocco," said John Greenleaf, global head, Hilton Garden Inn. "Our new hotel is located in this popular tourist and business destination in Tanger. It is close to many of the best attractions, such as the Caves of Hercules, Dar el Makhzen, St Andrew Church and Park of Perdicaris, as well as business spots, including four industrial parks and an economic free zone, making it a perfect base for any trip, whether business or leisure."

Tanger is a beautiful city conveniently located to several accessible attractions, business facilities and corporate offices within close proximity to the hotel. Guests can explore Tanger City Center on-site mall featuring shops and entertainment, the Royal Country Club of Tanger, the largest marina in the region or the nearby beach.

Hilton Garden Inn Tanger City Center enjoys a prime coastal location, and is easily accessible by air, car, train and sea, with Ibn Battouta International Airport offering daily flights from/to major European destinations, a port offering hourly ferries to Spain, and a soon-to-open high speed train station located at only 5 minutes walking distance from the hotel. Guests can rely on additional suggestions from community-oriented Hilton Garden Inn Team Members on things to do and places to eat.

"For Hilton Worldwide, this opening is really important for our North African positioning. Recent years have seen an increase of tourists visiting Morocco with its diverse culture, historical sights, warm weather and delicious food," said Raouf Benchedli, general manager. "

Guests can dine on-property at The Garden Grille and Bar®, which offers a full cooked-to-order breakfast, lunch, dinner, cocktails*, and evening room service featuring local and international dishes. The Pavilion Pantry® is open 24 hours and features a complete selection of salty snacks, sweet treats, cold beverages, and frozen, microwaveable packaged items.

The hotel also features three meeting rooms offering more than 367 square meters of flexible meeting space. Hilton Garden Inn guests will see why Life's Better at the GardenTM through amenities and services offered at each location, including complimentary Wi-Fi throughout the hotel, a 24-hour business center with remote printing, and a state-of-the-art 24-hour fitness center.

All 320 guest rooms boast the brand's signature bedding featuring fresh, white duvets and crisp linens; a spacious and clutter-free work desk with an ergonomic desk chair; and an in-room mini fridge.

Hilton Garden Inn Tanger City Center participates in Hilton HHonors®, the only hotel loyalty program that allows members to earn Points & Miles® on the same stay and No Blackout Dates on reward stays. HHonors members always get our lowest price with our Best Price Guarantee, along with HHonors Points, digital check-in and no booking fees only when they book directly through Hilton.

Die aktuellste EA Version ist: "2z". (am 12.02.2015 - s. unten Anhang hier in post #1)

Z. Zt. ist der indi "HGI" (hmm na ja steht für Holi Gral. -" ) ein heiss diskutiertes Thema im SHFX. com.

NB hat ja dort nun seit etlicher Zeit sein eigenes Feld mit diversen threads aufgebaut und mit den Jahren seine Trading Strategie immer weiter ausgebaut, ausgefeilt und verfeinert.

Die Sache gipfelt nun in einem indi - eben diesem HGI - welcher alle strategischen Gedanken vereint. Man kann diese Signale des HGI also durchaus manuell traden, die meisten scheinen auch eher genau dies zu tun. Trotzdem gibt es natürlich einen EA (Versuch) welcher z. Zt. mächtig entwickelt wird durch die entsprechenden coder dort.

NB selber ist für EAs nicht wirklich zu begeistern. bisher.

Seine strategischen Entwicklungen sind hier zu finden:

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Die Entwicklung ist entsprechend hier mitzuverfolgen:

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Ich füge mal die notwendigen Dinge hier an. Der EA ist die z. Zt. letzte version "2e" (eine v. "2f" ist wohl in Vorbereitung !). Der indi ist zeitlich begrenzt bis 01.04.15. Er ist in jedem Falle in den Parametern des EA mit Namen einzutragen !

Meine HGB's sind wie immer im "portfolio" zu finden (s. link unten).

PD Ach ja - wichtig ist zu berücksichtigen: alles läuft für H4 und alle pairs. Ich selber gehe gar mit daily rein (+ alle pairs). Der indi repainted gerade bei TF's unter H4. Er macht nur Sinn ab H4 und gibt selbst trotz repaintens sehr gute Signale für die entries. UND: unbedingt die komplette history für die zu tradenden pairs ziehen - sonst sind die signals Murks !


Bearbeitet von MANDL2007, 13 Februar 2015 - 15:36 Uhr,

So - nun endlich isses so weit. ACHTUNG: Dieser EA hat einen Fehler. Es muss auf die Korrektur (=v2g) gewartet werden. oder auf noch weitere Korrekturen.

Das Warten hat ein Ende !

Die wieder mal etwas bugfreier gestaltete v2f ist endlich raus. Also wer's machen, der sollte seine Parameter nehmen und in den neuen EA einsetzen. Und ab geht die Post !

Wenn man bedenkt, dass die Jungens nun mit der "1" dat janze Alphabet durchhaben. watt für eene Arbeet. Meine Herren !

Kieckste hier noch rinn:

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Bearbeitet von MANDL2007, 05 Januar 2015 - 13:05 Uhr,

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Pago 04 Jan 2015

Wenn der Mandl ne Frau wäre würde ich doch glatt mit ein paar Blümchen nach Berlin düsen und mich persönlich bedanken. Bearbeitet von Pago, 04 Januar 2015 - 18:47 Uhr,

So vor einigen Stunden kam endlich die ersehnte "v2g" !

Bisher gibt es keinerlei Meldungen über bugs im SHFX. com.

Na gut, so weit so gut. warten wir mal ruhig noch ne Weile !

Habe oben im post #1 die letzte version reingestellt - der user guide ist allerdings (noch) nicht angepasst !

hallo Mandl und CO

tja, erstmal vielen dank für diesen interessanten beitrag und ein lob an dich mandl. tolle recherge.

jetzt hab ich mal ne frage dazu. vielleicht ist ja mein englisch nicht ausreichend aber irgendwie hab ich noch nicht verstanden wo man bei dem HGI Indikator (manueller trade) einsteigt und aussteigt.

ich lese zwar im ganzen thread(übrigens gibts da so viele dazu. ich spring von einem link zum anderen) von steve wie super den der indikator ist aber irgendwie check ich das nicht.

steigt man bei den goßen pfeilen, bei den kleinenpfeilen ein und bei den wellen aus. gibts da eine kurz-erklärung. hat sich schon jemand damit beschäftigt ?

bitte schlagt mich jetzt hier nicht wenn ich so doofe fragen stell aber ich würde mal gerne wissen wie weit das jemand verstanden hat.

es hat auch jeder in den geposteten charts im steve forum rechts oben diese anzeige mit den daten wie spread, waplong, swapshort, distance from ma240 usw. der bei mir auch nicht aufscheint oder ist das ein eigener indikator.

danke für eure hilfe

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MANDL2007 06 Jan 2015

Also zum einen - der user guide - s. pdf - gibt ne Menge her.

Ansonsten zeigt das Chartbild (fast) alles schon.

Es gibt 4 eigenständige trade Kategorien: trend, rad, range, wave (sowie eine zusätzliche: trend+wave: diese sind selten aber sehr treffsicher).

Tja: grüner, grosser Pfeil = trend buy, dann entweder eigenes MM oder warten bis ein Gegensignal kommt = raus, exit. Auf dem daily kann man so u. U. über Monate in einem trend bleiben und ernten !

Die kleinen schrägen Pfeile gehören zu den rad trades, gleiches Prinzip anwenden wie bei den trend trades. Die rad's sollen angeblich die erfolgreichsten trades sein, ich habe bisher eher nur trend genommen, werde wohl die rad's wieder hinzunehmen. Mal schauen.

Kleine gerade Pfeile gehören zur Kategorie range trades. Diese vermeide ich aber.

Und die waves. na das sind eben die wave trades, eher wenig erfolgreich diese Kategorie wenn man den ersten Statistiken im SHFX. com glauben kann/will/soll.

Die waves sollen aber ein gutes Signal für einen möglichen Ausstieg sein und eine mögliche trend Umkehr.

Bearbeitet von MANDL2007, 06 Januar 2015 - 12:49 Uhr,

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MANDL2007 06 Jan 2015

v 2h ist raus. Änderungen sind aber nur marginal. S post #1.

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MANDL2007 24 Jan 2015

Mittlerweile ist man in SHFX. com schon bei version "2r". also das Alphabet ist auch bei der 2 balde durch. hoffen wir mal, dass da was bei rauskommt.

In post #1 hier in FF. de: Anhang mit "v 2r" !

Die Aktivität ist ungebrochen in SHFX. com, es gibt gar einen (Versuch) eines Gruppentests zur Ermittlung optimalerer setfile-Parameter. Bin besser nicht dabei, weiss aus der Vergangenheit, wie schwierig es ist, über das net die Leute zu organisieren und disziplinieren (!).

Häufig genug kommt da nix bei rum.

Aber egal, schauen wir mal weiter - hier schaffen sich die Jungens damit:

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Es gibt auch schon zwei Modifkationen der Anwendung des HGI mittels EAs, die erwähnenswert sind:

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Habe beides in Arbeit, kann aber noch nix dazu sagen. Alles in allem macht das ganze immer einen etwas ungeordneten Eindruck - die vielen Parameter(optionen) lassen bisher keine wirklichen Aussagen zu.

In version "2o" hatte SH mal seine Parameter mitgeben - aber die bringen bisher bei mir nix wirklich überragendes.

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How to identify mikrotrend on Forex

How to identify mikrotrend on Forex

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My current work, right now, is developing "trend identify function". The scripting will be written in MQL4, since my broker does not move to MQL5 (yet or never).

Trend identificaiton plays important role in trading strategy and trade position management.

Before this, my free-download expert adviser, was forced to do averaging position cost or "martingale" strategy.

Martingale is commonly known for forex trader by adding larger positions to the curreny loss position e. g. losing 10 pips of size 0.1 lot then adding 0.2 lot (double) again to lower price, let say 20 pips from first position. This would bring down the average cost or break even level lower. In hope that the price would retrace and hit your breakeven level.

Trend identification would reduce this frequency of using averaging position.

Some one might suggest that why not set the fix stoploss when enter the trade. I could do that but depends on your entry position. My strategy is 90% scalping. I prefer 10 pips or less.

Anyway, current algorithm to identify the trend in short timeframe (M15), I use series of moving average of different timeframes. And put weights on each timeframe.

I would be able to run some more test and share next week.

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I'd got my hand on the article about cluster indicator and its actual usage in trading forex. Cluster indicators or nickname CCp and CCFp is developed and shared publicly under you can google and download it for a try.

I put that indicators into the chart. you can put into any currency it give you back the same chart because it will download all moving average data from other pairs and compile into one chart with eight number of moving average lines.

So the currencies work with CCFp, they are USD EUR GBP CHF JPY AUD CAD NZD.

The idea is to find the currency that going stronger over the period and trade against other currency that getting weaker.

This CCFp indicator's chart is pretty messy even it got the input tab for user to select and deselect what need to show but I think it's still to much to click.

So, I wrote some code to display in table number. it looks easier just to look at the number but still have to use brain to digest the number and translate into comparison and suggest which one is high and which one is low.

Next time, I think I have to display it in color with text on the top, it should be better than reading numbers. right.

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Lease options commercial property

Lease options commercial property

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